This profession that is recruiting: boilermakers still in high demand

by time news

Yolande Bufquin, General Secretary of the National Union of Boilermaking and Piping (SNCT), is very clear about the figures: “if we talk about needs, outside the nuclear industry, training – initial or continuous – only covers 50% each year needs. We need 5,000 new boilermakers when we are only training 2,500”.

An alarming situation that is not about to improve. “With the new nuclear power plant projects, we are going to add to these needs… new needs”, asserts the specialist again. Boilermakers are not only valuable but they have a bright future ahead of them, whether they opt for this profession during a retraining course or via National Education.

CAP, Bac pro and BTS, there are several options in France to learn the foundations of a profession in which experience also counts enormously. “There is a real misunderstanding of our professions. People imagine a boilermaker in a dusty, poorly lit workshop. This is no longer the case. Not to mention the work overalls which no longer attract young people when we need them, ”claims loud and clear José Lopes, deputy director of vocational and technical training at the Leonard de Vinci high school in Soissons (Aisne).

Precision work

“We need to make ourselves better known,” said Dominique Harant, the headmaster. It is necessary to remove all the a priori on this work environment which would be hostile. This is one of the reasons why we regularly offer open days and mini-courses. »

To move into this profession, schools and companies are looking for young people who like neat, precision work. Indeed, the boilermaker will bend, assemble, shape a sheet of metal one to three millimeters thick to give life to tanks, barbecues, ocean liners… The uses are varied and infinite.

“L’Oréal brews its beauty products in stainless steel tanks made by boilermakers. Industrial jams are kept in tanks that we make. The refrigerators and heat exchangers that we find in industry come from boilermaking, not to mention the huge storage tanks for petroleum products”, further lists Yolande Bufquin.

The whole industry is looking for his talents

If there was a time when French industry experienced a slowdown, boilermakers were little or not affected. Indeed, whether in the creation in the workshop or in the maintenance of what exists, they have always been called upon. “We have pushed a whole generation towards more intellectual professions, but the agri-food, chemical, oil and pharmaceutical industries need our professionals”, insists the general secretary of the SNCT.

“And above all, it is possible today to find a high school near your home and a job in your area of ​​life as the demand is strong, she assures. This is also why we are stepping up awareness-raising operations for young people in schools and colleges. Especially since you can start as a boilermaker but then progress to positions as workshop foremen, go to a design office or become a quality manager. There is a real social elevator. It’s a reality. »

Salaries for beginners are around 21,000 euros gross per year with a CAP in hand, go up to 25,000 euros with a professional baccalaureate and even exceed 33,000 euros for someone who already has 5 to 6 years’ experience. With the tension and attractive salaries, vocational high schools sometimes have to struggle to keep their highly coveted young people in their establishments, until the end of the course.

“Our BTS students are chased away. They have job offers as early as May. Some are even poached before the end of their professional baccalaureate by the companies that take them on as internships. We have to talk a lot with them so that they stay and complete their cycle. It’s very important for them and the rest of their careers,” admits Dominique Harant.

And to conclude: “We offer training with guaranteed employment. Don’t be afraid to join us. We really work on the intelligence of the hand”.

He hires: “I’m looking for someone meticulous”

Laurent Karrasch, director of Bellot SA in Gradignan (Gironde), is looking for a boilermaker to complete his team of 22 people. Its privileged field of action: equipment for the wine sector and drinking water.

THE PROFILE. “We try to find someone with a vocational baccalaureate, whether they had an apprenticeship or not. Both are worth it in my opinion. What is important is that this person is meticulous and determined. But also that she likes teamwork. In our workshop – we do not do construction sites – the boilermaker works with other collaborators to bend, weld and assemble the parts. You have to know how to work with confidence so that the assembly is correct at the end. »

COMPENSATION. “A young person can start at 1,800-2,000 euros gross per month and it can go up to more than 3,000 euros for someone with solid experience. And we’re on thirteen months’ salary. »

EVOLUTIONS. “Boilermaker is a job that requires the acquisition of skills over time, by practicing. So, after 5 or 6 years, a young person with a little dexterity can see his salary increase frankly. Afterwards, we are a small team, but why not consider a workshop manager position. »

Up to you : additional info on ; practical advice with the book: “Technicians pipefitter, boilermaker, metalworker and welder CAP, Bac Pro” by Claude Hazard, 320 pages, 19.90 euros, Éditions Delagrave.

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