The marketing of products supposed to promote weight loss and containing “Viagra” is suspended

by time news

“Finally Lose Weight,” boasted the Trex Tea brand website. However, it lacked a serious warning about the side effects of this decoction. The Medicines Agency (ANSM) announced on Tuesday the suspension of several products presented as natural “detox” products promoting weight loss, due to numerous adverse effects reported by around twenty people.

The products in question are the Trex Tea (powder), Trex Caps (capsules), Trex Plus (effervescent form).

Several people who have used it have reported serious “adverse effects” such as heart rhythm disorders, hypertension, tachycardia, palpitations, chest pain, sleep disorders, dizziness, anorexia, headaches, seizures, said the ANSM in a statement, adding that other European states have reported similar alerts.

According to the ANSM, analyzes have revealed the presence, in these products, of two medicinal substances: sibutramine, a treatment against obesity, whose marketing authorization has been suspended, and sildenafil (Viagra and generics), a drug indicated in case of erectile dysfunction which can lead to potentially serious adverse effects.

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