Incredible! Inmate eats police headquarters mascot

by time news

For this event, a 38-year-old man who was detained for aggravated robbery is being investigated

And recluse of the Cojedes State Police Command, was accused of killing and eating the dog pet of the police entity. This was reported on the social networks of that body. The fact was discovered this Sunday, April 9.

According to the information, it was learned that the 38-year-old citizen is being held for aggravated robbery.


They also notified that the male inmate killed the commando mascot and proceeded to eat his meat. According to the police report, the remains of the animal were found in the annexes after an investigation was launched into the disappearance of the dog.

The commander, Agusmil Fernando Mendoza, as well as Miguel Rivas, a veterinarian, and his assistant José León, both representatives of the Nevado Mission in Cojedes, appeared at the headquarters of that police agency.

The case was made available to the First Prosecutor of the Public Ministry, which will determine his criminal responsibility.

A Window to Freedom offered details

The non-governmental organization Una Ventana a la Libertad, offers details about the case, where they indicate that the event that occurred at the Cojedes State Police Command, in the city of San Carlos was confirmed by the officers on duty, who they noticed the absence of the pet.

After spending a few hours and they could not locate the animal, which was not in the habit of disappearing, they verified all the infrastructure, until they found the remains of the dog inside the facilities.

This forced an investigation by officials of the Nevado Mission, as well as the respective notification to the Public Ministry, for the respective accusation of animal abuse.

With information from Impacto Venezuela

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