CSR: Only 16% of Gabonese companies are involved

by time news

DIG/ According to a study conducted by the International Center for Research in Economics and Management for Development (Cireged), several companies in the country are still unaware of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).

The figures show, in fact, that companies still act weakly in local development.

In the societal section of the said report, we note that only 16.3% of the companies surveyed are involved in the development of localities.

10.2% are engaged in development partnerships with local associations.

In environmental matters, 24.5% practice resource saving management.

The data for this survey was collected based on a sample of 147 companies located in 6 out of 9 provinces. Mainly SMEs and SMIs.

“The Ecireged-RSE 2022 is a survey for the observation of CSR knowledge and practices in Gabonese companies in order to understand their behavior in this matter”indicated the director of Cireged, Pr. Jean-Jacques Ekomie.

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