Mali: kidnapping then release of journalist Aliou Touré, the press demands that “the culprits be sought and tried”

by time news

During a press briefing held this Tuesday, April 11 at the Maison de la presse, the crisis unit of professional press organizations for the release of journalist Aliou Touré demanded that “all the light is shed around this affair “. It was under the aegis of its coordinator, Bandiougou Dante.

Released on Monday April 10 after four days of detention, we know a little more about the circumstances of the kidnapping of journalist Aliou Touré, editor of the newspaper Le Démocrate. It was when he was about to take his car on Thursday evening April 6th that Aliou Touré was kidnapped by armed and hooded men. They put a hood on his head and took him to a destination hitherto unknown. Now Aliou Touré has no idea where he was detained.

This practice is part of life in the jungle, denounced in a martial tone Bandiougou Dante, coordinator of the Crisis Unit of Professional Press Organizations, proof if any of the seriousness of the facts. A situation that he considers incomprehensible and unacceptable. “That official and unofficial authors do not honor the Republic or democracy and do not serve the transition “, explained the coordinator of the Cell. He said that to love your country is to protect its image.

According to Bandiougou Danté, whoever is responsible for such a practice, an accusing finger will be pointed at the State, which has the responsibility to protect all citizens. Such practices, he stresses, must not go unpunished. The perpetrators must be sought out, recognized and held accountable for their actions, insisted the coordinator of the Professional Press Organizations Crisis Unit and also President of the Press House. Which requires the opening of an investigation in order to shed light on this dark affair.

The journalist, Aliou Touré, for his part, thanked all the press and all those who mobilized for his release. The editor of the newspaper Le Démocrate, who spent four days without seeing the sun, did not suffer any physical harm.

Abdrahamane SISSOKO/the

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