«Like my characters on TV, I always try to get by on my own»- time.news

by time news
Of Renato Franco

The actress returns in the second season of the series «Light of your eyes». «I am less composed and elegant than I seem»

popular face in TV series, but little present in the cinema: it is the paradox of actress of Anna Valle. “But I don’t feel snubbed. Lost opportunities and missed opportunities have simply been the result of joints that don’t add up. Cinema is why I started doing this job, but sometimes for family reasonsothers for work commitments, I had to deny myself these possibilities». It is the portrait of composure and elegance, but it is an image in which she sees herself distorted: «One imagines me peeling even an apple with a fork and knife, it is the idea that people have of me. I think it comes from the characters I’ve played, especially the ones in costumes, women of yesteryear even in ways of doing. But in reality I’m less composed than I seem: I sing at the top of my lungs, mi angry a lot when they cut me off in the car ».

However, it is also true that Anna Valle is not so distant from the characters she plays: «I think there is always something about me, maybe even a side that I didn’t know». It also happens in the second season of “Light of Your Eyes”, the series in six episodes broadcast today in prime time on Canale 5 (also in the cast Giuseppe Zeno and Francesca Cavallin). Anna Valle is a former star and choreographer, charismatic and confident, but with a deep wound: the disappearance of her baby at birth. Just when she is about to move on, however, her past comes back to look for her: a girl turns out to be her believed little girl lost. “Everything that seems at first turns out not to be what it seemed; this season there is even more mysterymore investigation, more thriller, more thriller… And then there are the dynamics in which the public can recognize themselves: the parent-child relationship, the rivalries between women thanks to the arrival of an antagonist who brings back the pains of the past. Often even in our lives we think we have overcome a pain, we have put it aside, instead at a certain point we have to deal with it ».

Fact and fiction intertwine: «Emma, ​​the character I play, never asks anyone for help, she’s used to managing on her own, she’s a woman who tends not to say everything right away for fear of not finding support, it is an aspect in which I recognize myself and many women recognize themselves in it: trying to do everything alone so that we are enough for ourselves; it’s a prerogative very current”. The turning point of his career was the victory at Miss Italy in 1995. The competition has now waned, partly due to implosion and partly due to the accusation of commodify the body of women: «Once the public followed him, it was an appointment they expected. The body was visible, but very clean, they were looking for the girl next door and perhaps over time this aspect has lost importance. By now social networks have obscured everything, there we show everything, we put the children online – a practice that I don’t agree with -, today everything is consumed faster ».

She, despite the profession, has no one social profile: «It’s a world that doesn’t belong to me, I want my private life to remain that way, I talk about it in interviews if they ask me, but on social networks I would eliminate a series of things: my children, holidays… it would become a very dry. I know that professionally I am missing out on something, but I also gain: I close the door of the house and am with myself, that’s where my obligation towards public work ends». Every actor has one (or more) foibles. About him? “I have to put mine on initials on paper scripts and I don’t destroy them until after the series has aired: I have a house full of paper».

April 11, 2023 (change April 11, 2023 | 20:31)

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