Why Europe is escaping economic recession

by time news

The post-Covid recovery has been severely slowed by both the war in Ukraine and the banking crisis. 62214059/artjazz – stock.adobe.com

DECRYPTION – The IMF raises its forecast for the euro zone compared to the autumn. The energy crisis has been well managed but inflation is still a concern.

The worst is never certain. The gloomy prospects that anticipated a recession in Europe last fall in the face of fears of a major energy crisis, linked to the war in Ukraine and the closing of the Russian gas tap, have not materialized. The latest IMF forecasts, published Tuesday as part of the spring general meetings taking place in Washington, testify to the resilience of the European economy.

Growth figures are revised upwards for the euro zone with a 0.8% increase in GDP forecast for this year against 0.5% anticipated last October. Against all expectations, Europe recorded better performances in 2022 given its high exposure to Russia and the surge in inflation caused by the surge in commodity prices. The International Monetary Fund highlights the significant budgetary support deployed for households and businesses – around 1.3% of GDP for the whole of…

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