L’Humanité launches an appeal and a petition to support the LDH after “the threats of Gérald Darmanin”

by time news

It is a petition that has already collected many signatures from public figures from all walks of life. The communist daily L’Humanité has decided to support the outcry and donations made to the Minister of the Interior after a remark deemed threatening to the LDH during his hearing before the Assembly national on the events of Sainte-Soline.

“Speak up against injustice, defend the rule of law, resist. (…) This is the program that the League of Human Rights (LDH) Especially since the Minister of the Interior saw fit, on April 5, before the national representation, to publicly threaten the association to withdraw all public subsidy. Obviously determined to dare everything in the service of his personal ambitions, Gérald Darmanin, to justify this attack, accused the LDH of endorsing, even inciting the violence committed during the Sainte-Soline demonstration (…) A shame when you know the organization’s pacifist struggle” writes L’Humanité in its Wednesday front page.

“In order to prolong this momentum as much as possible, and to say loud and clear that Humanity stands alongside the LDH, our newspaper has decided to launch an appeal. He invites everyone today to sign it – and have it signed – as widely as possible” therefore assures the daily in this appeal.

Among the petitioners personalities from the entertainment world such as the former star footballer Éric Cantona or the singer Sanseverino or the actress Ariane Ascaride but also many left-wing political figures ranging from Benoît Hamon to Sandrine Rousseau via Jean-Luc Mélenchon. Little surprise the name of Barbara Pompili, Renaissance deputy and ex-minister is also among the signatories, that should delight the tenant of Place Beauvau.

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