Wake up decaffeinated: 7 natural alternatives for your morning coffee

by time news

Wake up decaf

7 natural alternatives for your morning coffee


Even though coffee offers some other health benefits in addition to its stimulating effect, not everyone can tolerate it. In order to get out of bed in the morning and start the day fresh, you need an alternative. Here are seven ideas on how to replace your coffee in a meaningful way.

Almost as if on autopilot, many people prepare a cup of coffee first thing in the morning. While coffee has various health benefits, caffeine can be difficult to get rid of.

Therefore, these seven natural alternatives are worth trying – maybe one of them will soon replace your morning coffee.

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1. Roasted chicory root

Chicory root coffee is one of the best ways to mimic the taste and brewing ritual of coffee: the root is roasted and then gives off a coffee-like aroma.

Although the drink wakes you up less than the caffeine contained in coffee, the preparation ritual alone helps many people to open their tired eyelids.

Chicory root contains various dietary fibers, has a positive effect on digestion and has been shown to be effective for high blood sugar.

To prepare, simply dissolve the powder in hot water and add milk or sweeten as you like.

2. Carob tree or carob

Carob, the fruit of the locust bean gum, is best known for its use as a chocolate alternative.

The tree has been cultivated for thousands of years because it is very nutritious: the fruit contains proteins, vitamins A and B as well as carbohydrates and various minerals.

In addition, carob bread contains large amounts of the antidiabetic pinitol, which has an insulin-like effect which, in combination with the minerals it also contains, ensures an energized feeling.

Because carob is sweeter than cocoa, you can use it to make smoothies or hot chocolate without the added sugar prepare.

3. Infused Water

As everyone knows, water is great for the body – and it can even be energizing, as dehydration makes you tired.

Instead of coffee, just drink warm or cold water in the morning, preferably with a squeeze of lemon or berries for more flavor.

If you generally have problems drinking enough, you can start the day well with this glass of water. In the further course of the day you can also set a goal that must be met.

Containers with a liter specification or special drinking apps are suitable for checking.

4. Maca plant

The cress plant Maca has been known for centuries not only as an effective means of increasing adrenal function, it also improves mental focus and reduces fatigue.

For example, add a few spoonfuls of maca to smoothies or heat it up with plant-based milk to start the day decaf and awake.

5. Minztee

Drinking mint tea just makes you feel refreshed. It is therefore not surprising that studies show that peppermint is helpful for increasing exercise performance and increasing oxygen concentration in the brain.

Since mint grows incredibly fast, you can grow it yourself and always have it fresh on hand. Simply steep the fresh or dried leaves in hot water for a few minutes and enjoy a fresh mint tea.

6. Ginseng tea or capsules

If you look at the ingredients of popular energy drinks, ginseng will most likely be among them. In traditional Chinese medicine, ginseng is used as an energizing agent as it is said to strengthen the five internal organs (spleen, lungs, heart, liver and kidneys) and sharpen the mind.

Today it is used for better memory and stamina, as well as to increase concentration. Try ginseng in the popular tea form or take it as a capsule to benefit from its effects.

7. Rosenwurz

Rhodiola is a perennial flowering plant that is often used to increase energy and stamina. Roseroot is also said to improve attention and memory.

According to that National Center for Complementary and Integrative Health There is also evidence that rhodiola improves physical performance and can reduce mental fatigue.

It is most commonly (and most readily available) consumed as a dietary supplement.

The original of this post “7 natural alternatives for morning coffee” comes from
Fit For Fun.

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