Where is Emmaus? Three places claim to be this site of the risen Jesus

by time news

April 11, 2023 / 7:17 p.m.

The Franciscans present in the Holy Land participated in a solemn Easter celebration at the place where they believe the risen Jesus appeared to the disciples of Emmaus. However, two other towns claim to be the site of the apparition.

In the last chapter of the Gospel of Saint Luke (24,13-35) it is narrated that Jesus appeared to two of his followers who were on their way to Emmaus. Tradition calls them Cleopas and Simeon.

The Risen One spoke to them as a stranger and, upon hearing that they were saddened by the death of the Messiah, he explained the Scriptures to them until it got very late. The disciples then asked him to stay with them in town and they only recognized him when Christ broke the bread. However, the Lord at that moment disappeared.

According to the Custody of the Holy Land, there are three locations that claim to be the place where this biblical event occurred.

Third-century Christians believed that the apparition occurred in the city of Emmaus-Nicopolis. Although the name matched, the same did not happen with the distance. St. Luke explicitly points out that the town was about 10 kilometers from Jerusalem, and this town, on the other hand, is about 30 kilometers away.

Around the 12th century, at the time of the crusades, a place closer to the Holy City was sought. For this reason, the Fontenoid castle was proposed, located in the ancient town of Kiriat-Yaarim, known today as Abu-Ghosh. But this idea did not convince much.

Meanwhile, popular traditions referred to a third place: the town of El Qubeibeh. This is because it is next to a road that led to Jerusalem and because it coincides with the distance indicated by the evangelist. It is believed that all of this influenced the Franciscans to settle here in the 14th century.

In this place, the friars of the Custody of the Holy Land gathered in the Basilica of the Manifestation of Our Lord Jesus Christ on Monday, April 10.

In the morning they had a Eucharistic celebration presided over by Fr. Francesco Patton, Custos of the Holy Land. Then some blessed rolls were distributed to the faithful and they recall the gesture of the broken bread that Jesus gave to the disciples of Emmaus.

Later, Fr. Patton met with the Palestinian authorities in the area, where the Franciscans live in friendship and mutual respect with the Muslims. Everything concluded with the prayer of Vespers.

Abel Camasca is a social communicator and member of the Salesian Family. He was for many years a producer for EWTN News and the program “More than News” on World Catholic Radio. He currently works as a journalist for ACI Prensa.

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