Police’s Recommendations for Dealing with Stormy Weather Causing Southern Floods

by time news

The police are preparing for intense rainfall in areas prone to flooding during the holiday season. The meteorological service has forecast thunderstorms and strong winds that may cause high waves and pose a danger for those planning to bathe in the sea. Floods in various centers throughout the country are also expected. To ensure public safety, the police have issued instructions for drivers and road users. In case of unusual events requiring immediate police intervention, the public is encouraged to contact the emergency hotline at 100 without delay.

The public is advised to avoid non-essential trips, especially to streams and areas susceptible to flooding. It is also recommended to refrain from entering parking lots and underground levels during significant rainfall, as well as avoid swimming at the beaches to prevent accidents. Strong winds may cause falling trees, poles, and other objects, which could lead to a risk of injury to passers-by, and hence, any hazards should be reported promptly.

Drivers must adjust their speed to the road conditions and slow down during sharp turns. High beams must be turned on and keep a safe distance from the vehicle ahead, especially when the road is icy, wet, or has hidden potholes. Pedestrians must be given right of way during the rainy season. Before entering a vehicle, it is mandatory to check that the tires have the correct air pressure, that the wipers and lights are in good condition, and that the windshield is clean for better visibility.

In the shadow of the stormy weather that is expected during the holiday, the police are preparing for the intensification of the rains in areas prone to flooding and have issued recommendations to the drivers and road users. According to the forecast of the meteorological service, starting today (Tuesday) until the peak of the system tomorrow and Thursday, rainy weather is expected from the north of the country to the Negev, accompanied by thunderstorms and strong winds that will lead to high waves and danger for bathing in the sea. There is a fear of floods in various centers throughout the country.

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The police will constantly publish information about roadblocks and traffic disruptions due to the weather. It is also possible to obtain information about changes in the traffic regulations through the national information hotline of the Israel Police at 110. In any unusual event that requires immediate police intervention, contact the police emergency hotline at 100 without delay.

Rescue of the missing woman in Nahal Tsihor (photo: police spokesmen)

Rescue of the missing woman in Nahal Tsihor (photo: police spokesmen)

Below are instructions for the public and safety rules and proper conduct in the stormy weather:

  • It is recommended to give up non-essential trips or trips to streams and areas that may be flooded due to the stormy weather.
  • Avoid entering parking lots and underground levels during significant rain events. Do not enter elevators on underground levels and do not stay in parking lots.
  • Bathing in the sea during strong winds and high waves is dangerous and there is a risk of drowning, so you should avoid bathing and spending time on the beaches.
  • Strong winds can lead to the collapse of trees, poles, etc., as well as the flying of various objects. Any hazard of this kind must be reported to the authorities as soon as possible, as well as tying/securing on balconies and gardens dangerous objects that may fly as a result of the winds and lead to injury to passers-by.
  • It is recommended to contact the authorized authorities before going on a field trip in order to obtain essential and up-to-date information.
  • It is forbidden to cross flooded roads and water channels, puddles and cisterns by any means of transport and not to approach them. This is life-threatening.
  • Travelers are asked to avoid traveling to life-threatening areas.
Rescue of the missing woman in Nahal Tsihor (photo: police spokesmen)

Rescue of the missing woman in Nahal Tsihor (photo: police spokesmen)

To the drivers and road users:

  • You must adjust your driving speed to the road conditions and slow down significantly when entering curves and making sharp turns.
  • High beams must be turned on during the entire trip and drive slowly and carefully, especially when the road is icy due to the risk of slipping.
  • When the road is wet, the braking distance is increased. Therefore, it is necessary to keep a greater distance from the vehicle in front.
  • The steering wheel must be gripped with both hands because entering a puddle with the vehicle, and potholes hidden by the accumulation of water on the road – may cause the vehicle to swerve suddenly.
  • You must concentrate on driving and avoid being distracted by using the mobile phone.
  • Avoid entering puddles whose depth cannot be estimated and be careful of other hazards on the road.
  • Avoid crossing water sources and places with strong water flow.
  • Pay attention to pedestrians – during rainy weather, it is more difficult to notice pedestrians and brake in time if necessary. Slow down in residential areas and give pedestrians the right of way.
  • Before entering the vehicle: it is mandatory to check that the vehicle’s tires are in good condition and at the required air pressure. Check that the wipers are in good condition and not damaged. Care must be taken to clean the car’s windshields in order to provide good visibility to the driver, as well as to clean the front and rear lights of the car – in order to see and show accordingly.

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