NASA ‘touches’ the sun | World | Deshabhimani

by time news

NASA’s Parker Solar Probe becomes the first spacecraft to touch the Sun’s atmosphere. On April 28, NASA announced at the American Geophysical Union conference that the spacecraft had successfully flown through the Sun’s outermost corona.

The spacecraft, traveling at a speed of more than 100 kilometers per second, spent five hours in the sun’s atmosphere. The spacecraft collected information about particles and magnetic fields here. It took months for the information to reach Earth. The information was released after confirming the information received. NASA compares this historic achievement to that of man landing on the moon. This will be a milestone in the study of the sun.

Parker was launched on that patrol in 2018 with the goal of finding answers to basic questions about the solar wind. In five hours, Parker traveled 1.3 million kilometers outside the Sun. The spacecraft is named after Eugene Parker, a professor and astronomer at the University of Chicago. This is NASA’s first mission to name a living person. NASA hopes that by 2020, Parker will be closer to the Sun.

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