In China, Emmanuel Macron’s comments on Taiwan hailed by the “Global Times”

by time news

While Emmanuel Macron’s comments on Taiwan have been criticized in the United States, the Chinese media have seemed more convinced in recent days. These comments are “obviously the fruit of long-standing observation and reflection”estimates the Global Times, a daily close to the Chinese government, Tuesday, April 11. And to mention in an article “words of truth”.

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“Some want to build a false Europe in public opinion, and hide the real voices and interests” Europeans, criticizes the newspaper, with often acerbic editorials. During his state visit to China on April 6 and 7, the French president told the American site Politico and daily business The echoes that Europe should not align itself with the United States or China in the event of a conflict over Taiwan. Comments published after his return to Paris. In the event of a conflict in Taiwan, “the worst thing would be to think that we Europeans should be followers” et “adapting to the American rhythm and to a Chinese “overreaction””also estimated Emmanuel Macron, pleading for a “strategic autonomy” of the European Union.

“Opposition to a New Cold War”

The remarks, released on Sunday as China simulated targeted bombings against Taiwan, caused confusion among other NATO members. Former US President Donald Trump has accused Emmanuel Macron of “ass licking” of China after his visit to Beijing, during an interview with Fox News aired on Tuesday.

This position taken by the French Head of State “will turn out to be a brilliant decision”because it translates “an opposition to a new cold war”greets journalist Chen Weihua, Brussels correspondent for the China Dailyan official daily newspaper published in English. “Macron’s ideas are very good”says a user on the social network Weibo, in tune with many other comments. “Europe’s arrogance and inaction for many years has led to extreme strategic passivity in the face of the United States. »

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However, warns the influential Hu Xijin, former editor of the Global Times and herald of Chinese nationalism, he is “unrealistic” to think that France will side with China in the event of a conflict with the United States. Europe and the United States “have common values ​​and are bound by NATO”he wrote to his subscribers on the Weibo social network.

For its part, Taiwan declared that it had “need of France”emphasizing that each country had “a role to play” to avoid a war with China. “France counts in the region, it is a country in the Indo-Pacific region”underlined on Classic Radio the representative of Taipei in France, Chihchung Wu, who reacted to controversial remarks by the French president.

He stressed that it was not necessarily about actively participating militarily: “We are not naive, we are not here hoping that France will send the army to Taiwan, that France will die for Taiwan”. However, he highlights other ways to show his support, citing in particular the aid provided by France to Ukraine, which for example sends Caesar guns to Kiev, when Taiwan stopped delivering its semiconductors to the Russia.

The World with AFP

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