Majority of Germans demand a lower license fee

by time news
media 18.36 euros too expensive

Majority of Germans want lower broadcasting fees

A transfer form for the broadcasting fees: Many citizens would like to save themselves this payment

A transfer form for the broadcasting fees: Many citizens would like to save themselves this payment

Source: dpa/Nicolas Armer

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The broadcasting fee is unpopular: According to a survey, more than one in three citizens would prefer not to pay the fee at all. 16 percent of citizens find 9.99 euros per month acceptable. Only a few are willing to continue paying 18.36 euros.

EAccording to a survey, a majority of Germans are demanding a significantly lower license fee. 35 percent would prefer not to pay a contribution at all, according to the survey by the Insa institute for the “Bild” newspaper on Wednesday. 13 percent would pay up to 4.99 euros per month, another 16 percent up to 9.99 euros. Ten percent would pay a maximum of 14.99 euros, another six percent would be willing to pay up to 18.35 euros.

The current rate is 18.36 euros per month. Seven percent would continue to pay this amount. Five percent of respondents would want to pay more.

The amount of the license fee from 2025 is currently being negotiated. According to a media report, an increase in the contribution to more than 20 euros is under discussion. In a few weeks, ARD and ZDF, among others, will have to submit their financial requirements for the coming years to a responsible commission. This is an important step before the federal states make a decision.

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The CDU politician Julia Klöckner rejected an increase in fees. “Citizens are not satisfied with the public broadcasters, especially when the majority of the population is to be re-educated in terms of language or the reporting is becoming too one-sided,” she told the “Bild” newspaper.

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The media policy spokesman for the SPD parliamentary group, Helge Lindh, told the newspaper that it was good that the institutions did not have to decide on their finances themselves, but that a commission was responsible for it. Even politicians cannot decide at will. “The post follows the brief,” added Lindh.

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