Bustíos Case | Three keys to the sentence for the murder of Daniel Urresti

by time news

IT WAS THE ARMY: The journalists Hugo Bustios and Eduardo Yeny Rojas were ambushed between two fires. Barely 200 meters away from the place where the journalists were riddled with bullets, there was a military contingent, and at the other end, a police patrol. The soldiers under the command of Captain Luis Guerrero Cava were the first to arrive at the crime scene. Shortly after the police patrol did. According to the Police Technical Criminal Inspection report, “it was not possible to locate projectiles, firearm casings, remains of explosives, footprints and evidence that the perpetrators of the act might have left.” The place had been cleaned. By the way, the perpetrators of the crime fled on foot. In 2007, the Supreme Court concluded that Hugo Bustios was murdered by members of the Army and sentenced the commander of the Huanta military barracks, Víctor La Vera Hernández (a) “Javier Landa Dupont”, and Captain Amador Vidal Sanbento (a) “Ojos de Gato”, to 17 and 15 years in prison respectively. Urresti was the head of Intelligence (S2) of the Army in Huanta. Was he the direct perpetrator of the murder? Mediate author? Or is he an accomplice to the murderers?

Isabel Rodríguez Chipana, three days after the murder of Hugo Bustíos, at the scene of the crime, with her daughter on her back. The photograph was taken by the CARETAS correspondent Abilio Arroyo.

ISABEL RODRIGUEZ CHIPANA: The peasant assures that she identified Daniel Urresti (a) “Captain Arturo” as one of the soldiers who participated in the ambush against Hugo Bustios and Eduardo Yeny Rojas. She denounced that Urresti repeatedly sexually assaulted her and threatened to kill her if she betrayed him to justice. Urresti maintains that Rodríguez Chipana is lying. In his final argument, the soldier affirmed that Rodríguez Chipana did not have a newborn daughter in 1988 – disqualifying the bloody description of one of the rapes – and that he did not live, as the peasant woman and other witnesses affirm, in a house where the military were stationed. to ambush the journalists. A photograph of Rodríguez Chipana, three days after the crime, at the crime scene, and with a child on his back, denies Urresti.

Judges Máximo Maguiña, Francisco Celis Mendoza and Juan Carlos Santillán.

PURCHASE OF WITNESSES: The peasant Jesús Galvez ratified before the Court that the Army summoned the residents of the Erapata payment of Quinrapa to the Castropampa barracks in Huanta, where the crime of Bustíos took place, the day after the murder of Bustios, and detained and tortured him for several days. pretending that he would incriminate himself for the murder of the journalist. Galvez’s version corroborates the testimony of Isabel Rodríguez Chipana. In January 2021, Jorge Calvera Cáceres offered Galvez US$5,000 to change his version. The bribery attempt was filmed by Galvez and denounced by journalist Anuska Buenaluque from the Cuarto Poder program. Urresti’s lawyer, Vanessa Alfaro, resigned from the defense of General Uresti in full hearing.

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