Financier dead on the Axis: 4 suspects for road murder – Pescara

by time news

PESCARA. There is a twist in the investigation into the death of Gianfranco Bellini, the 54-year-old financier who was the victim of an accident on the equipped axis, just before the exit ramp from Piazza Unione.
A year and a half after the tragedy, four are being investigated by the Pescara prosecutor on charges of road murder: these are three employees of Anas, which manages the motorway junction, and the legal representative of Metalmeccanica Fracasso, the the company that “installed” the guardrail against which the deputy brigadier of Villa Raspa di Spoltore, father of three children, crashed his motorbike. In the crosshairs of the traffic police, coordinated by the prosecutor Rosangela Di Stefano, safety is over on that stretch of aided axis.
That damned morning of November 27, 2019, the soldier was going to work at the command of the economic-financial police unit in via Conte di Ruvo. Suddenly he lost control of his powerful Kawasaki ER-6N and, after skidding, he fell to the ground violently hitting a bolt holding the left guardrail with his head. The impact caused the helmet to break and the resulting head trauma was fatal.
Now the prosecutor has decided to ask the judge for preliminary investigations the probative incident, or a procedural tool to crystallize evidence, to be used later during the eventual trial, which the passing of time and the changing of places could put at risk. . According to prosecutor Di Stefano, therefore, an appraisal is required “in order to ascertain whether the anchor bolt (ie the bolt, ed) of the guardrail on which Bellini’s head is impacted has come out of its seat over time and whether it has not been mounted in accordance with the art, as well as to ascertain whether, if the anchor bolt was at the regular height, at the speed held by the vehicle deceased, the helmet would not be punctured ».
The registration in the register of suspects is a necessary act to allow the people involved to appoint their own consultant for the technical assessment: it means that, at least at the moment, no responsibility has been ascertained. In the investigation, Bellini’s children were offended: Federica, 33 years, Francesco (29) e Giulia (28). Gianfranco had become a grandfather a few months ago and was planning to marry his partner Maruska with whom, for five years, he had also shared a love for animals. Zoophilic guard and volunteer of the National Body for the Protection of Animals (Enpa), Bellini is remembered by all as a sensitive and competent person. Both at work, he who had entered Finance at 19 and had gained enormous experience especially in the knowledge of databases, and in the association for which he spent most of his free time.

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