The Minister Spokesperson of the Government, makes the rounds of the news on EspaceTV – Information in Guinea and in the world

by time news

Lon Monday, April 10, 2022, the Minister Spokesperson of the Government, was the guest of radio Espace TV. The debates focused in particular on current national issues: the transition, his tour abroad, the telecommunications dossier.

Approaching the debate with questions relating to human rights, the Minister Ousmane Gaoual Diallo quickly decided before citing the efforts made and those in progress to improve the situation in Guinea. Above all, he maintains that throughout the world, the question of human rights remains unresolved. No State can boast of fully respecting them.

Then, the Minister Spokesperson of the Government answered all the questions relating to the revival of Guineatelecom. In short, Ousmane Gaoual Diallo reassures that Guinéetélécom is not a company that was born from the ashes of Sotelgui, but rather a new company, born the day after the CNRD came to power.

The Guinean State owns 100% of Guinean Telecom who is already quietly weaving his web and soon intends to make himself known to Guineans. Beyond that, once launched, it is not excluded that Guinée Télécom is associated with other private companies.

Addressing his compatriots at the end of the program, the government spokesperson declared: “What I can say to the compatriots is that we are in a very important period for our country. The efforts of the Government and the CNRD are being made to bring our country up to standard”.

With regard to political dialogue, colossal efforts have been made. An opportunity for the Minister Spokesperson to congratulate the Prime Minister, Head of Government.

“Now is the time to pay tribute to the Prime Minister, who spares no effort to bring the actors around the table. I think this is an opportunity that is offered to everyone to seize this outstretched hand, to recognize these efforts of the Head of Government and the religious, to be around the table so that the political crises are behind us. That Guineans finally look at each other, tell each other the angry truths and that they can envisage a better, stable future, to guarantee shared prosperity in our country,” concluded Ousmane Gaoual Diallo.

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