Peru: those who fight are punished with preventive detention

by time news

Since December, the Judiciary increased preventive detention measures that seriously restrict the rights and freedoms of protesters. Young community members, agro-export workers, university students; population in a situation of poverty and vulnerability. The favorite criminal offenses are: “Riots”, “Hindering the operation of public services”, “Terrorism”, “Criminal organization”.

In Ica, the Second Preparatory Investigation Court ordered preventive detention for four months against seven people. Also pretrial detention against two people for the crime of “riots.” In ayacucho the Eighth Preparatory Investigation Court of the National Superior Court ordered preventive detention against six leaders of FREDEPA – Ayacucho People’s Defense Front, for a period of 18 months. In Lima the Fifth Court of Preliminary Investigation of the Superior Court of Justice issued for Professor Yaneth Navarro preventive detention for 30 months.

In Cusco, The Judiciary issued and ratified preventive detention for nine months against Richard Camala Coyo (22 years old), Ferdinan Huacanqui Yucra (33 years old), Redy Huaman Camala (22 years old), Joel David Hivallanca Huaman (20) members of the indigenous Kuyo peasant community Large of the Pisaq district.

For the lawyer Krys Rocío Espinoza Mar, the second instance judges who ratified the preventive detention skipped the defense arguments with a pole, they seemed deaf and their response was basically what the first instance judge had already said. They did not argue according to the exposure and defense of the lawyers. The accusations against the detainees are untenable. There is variation in the statement of the complainants, contradictory versions and inconsistency between the accusations of the complainants and the arguments of the judges. In addition to work, family and home ties, community and credit ties were demonstrated. It was not valued that they are qualified community members, children and grandchildren of qualified community members, whose roots are stronger than those of the city. The superior prosecutor, erroneously, discounted agreement 169. The judges had no real motivation to ratify the preventive detention. Finally, the requirements to issue and ratify this measure are not met. That is the outrage; sentiment shared among the defense attorneys, well, this is an abuse against the community members and an insult to the defense; the lawyer stated.

As a State, the Public Prosecutor’s Office, the Prosecutor’s Office, the Judiciary, and the National Police act under a political slogan against the people. It is clear to the poor and working people that preventive detention is a punishment and political retaliation of the current regime against social fighters. They aggravate the situation of violation of human rights.

One more victim of the bloody repression of the State

The young Jeronimian, Rosalino Flores V. (22) was cruelly shot by the police during the protests in January. There were 36 pellets that hit his body, three meters away, defenseless, without representing any threat to the police. After struggling to recover, at the Arzobispo Loayza y Almenara Hospital in Lima, he passed away on March 21.

The State, led by Dina Boluarte, is the intellectual and political responsible for this murder and the more than 70 lives taken. The regime is sustained by the repression of the police and the Army. The order from above is to open the trigger and criminalize the popular rebellion and impose an authoritarian government that at the point of bullets wants to guarantee stability and fluidity of the economy in favor of the bosses, without listening to the popular clamor.

The murder of Rosalino is proof of how rotten the National Police and other State institutions are; For this reason, only with the organized struggle of the workers, students, peasants and poor of the country can we demand that this case does not go unpunished and that those responsible be punished. It is a duty to dignify the dedication and courage of this fighter and go out to raise our voice in protest for justice, and jail for those responsible.

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