The countries that offer the best salaries for nurses

by time news
  • From the OECD statistics it is possible to know the average salaries of nurses in each of the nations that comprise it.
  • A study carried out in 2020 showed that, on average, a Mexican nurse has a monthly salary of 9,909 pesos.
  • Another problem is that it is estimated that in Mexico there is a deficit of 115,000 nurses to reach the minimum number recommended by international authorities.

Everything related to money generates curiosity among health professionals. The natural thing is to think that due to the importance of this job it would be one of the best paid. The reality is quite different and the best example can be observed with the nurses salaries around the world Although they perform the same functions, not all receive the same payment.

In this sense, something that is striking is that it is a global problem and is not exclusive to developing countries. In fact, the UK is currently facing a severe crisis due to constant complaints from healthcare workers. One of his highest demands is receive a pay raise due to inflation caused by the pandemic.

With this in mind, after years of cutbacks and the enormous burden of the pandemic, large numbers of people are leaving the profession due to stress and long working hours, while patients face long waiting times.

According to SkyNews analysis, healthcare workers now earn less than in 2010. Nurses are paid 10.2 percent less, while medical trainees earn 14.5 percent less.

The countries that offer the best salaries for nurses

On the other hand, from the statistics of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) it is possible to know the average payment that a nurse receives in each nation.

From the above it is obtained that nurses in Luxembourg have the highest salaries in the world. On average each one earns $103,963 annually. This is roughly double what nurses in the UK earn, earning an average of $48,550 in the same period.

For his part, Portugal is among the countries with the lowest salaries, with $28,848 dollars. Other notable results are those of the United States with $81,630, Australia with $70,297, Canada with $58,426, Ireland with $55,924 and New Zealand with $54,395.

The digital healthcare platform Qunomedical, which carried out research on the subject, commented: “While hospital nurses, general practitioners and ER doctors in the UK earn more than the national average, this is in no way into account your overtime. In 2019, 43.4% of NHS workers reported working up to 5 hours of unpaid overtime each week, and these numbers are likely to have risen dramatically due to the current pandemic.

What are the salaries of Mexican nurses?

On the other hand, one of the greatest adversities experienced by the profession in Mexico is the low salary received by those who practice it. At the beginning of 2020, the Belisario Domínguez Institute presented the report entitled The remuneration of health personnel in Mexico: between the love of art and weakly rewarded efforts.

Within the work it is mentioned that the current average salary of nursing staff is 9 thousand 909 pesos per month. The figure represents less than half of what nurses in Chile or Italy earn for carrying out exactly the same activities.

Also read:

Nurses in Mexico receive one of the lowest salaries in the world

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