“All organs failed.” Russian propagandist died young

by time news
Russian media are reporting the death of 47-year-old Russian propagandist Eduard Bagirov.

A native of Turkmenistan Eduard Bagirov at one time he became known as the author of the books “Gastarbeiter” and “Idealist”. In addition to literary activities, he was a confidant Vladimir Putin in the 2012 elections, and most recently worked for state radio Sputnik and promoted the near-Kremlin telegram agenda.

In the 2010s, Baghirov gained notoriety for actively seeking to promote a pro-Russian media agenda in Moldova, where at the time there was a permanent political crisis and an ongoing power struggle between pro-Russian and pro-Western political forces. For interference in the internal affairs of Moldova, he was even detained by the Moldovan authorities, and in 2016 he was sentenced in absentia to 5 years in prison.

According to media reports, Baghirov was in a coma all last week, all his organs were allegedly denied. In turn, the telegram channel Mash writes that Bagirov was hospitalized on April 1 with gastrointestinal bleeding, and he suffered from cirrhosis of the liver. A few days before that, he worked and went on the air.

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