ISSSTE creates the first training center for surgeons

by time news
  • The first ISSSTE surgical training center will use cadaveric models, considered a high-quality educational resource in a safe environment.
  • It will provide comprehensive training to new surgeons in minimally invasive techniques and microsurgery.
  • Its inauguration is scheduled to be in July 2023 and it will be located in CDMX.

In the interest of improving the Comprehensive training of new surgeons, promoting the standardization of procedures and providing patients with safer surgical treatments, the new Institute for Security and Social Services for State Workers (Issste) works on the integration of the Center for Training and Research in Surgical Anatomy ” Vesalius”. There is still no official date but it is expected to open its doors in the coming months.

The person in charge of this project is the medical director, Ramiro Lopez Elizaldewho pointed out that surgical simulation in the laboratory should be a priority in the surgeon training. He said that the risk of failure decreases when performing highly complex procedures on people, so it is necessary to invest to raise standards in high-quality human resource training.

“There are human anatomy figures made of various materials; however, the training of these techniques in cadaveric models, like the ones that will be used in this center, will allow health professionals to develop greater skills in anatomy and learning”.

Objectives of the ISSSTE training center for surgeons

The creation of the Center for Training and Research in Surgical Anatomy, “Vesalius” —named after Andreas Vesalius (1514-1564) founder of modern anatomy— arises from the need to provide comprehensive training to new surgeons in techniques minimally invasive and microsurgery.

“Only in specialties such as neurosurgery, otorhinolaryngology, head and neck surgery, 95 percent of residents in Latin America invest less than 18 hours per year in their preparation with cadaveric models.”

Data from the Faculty of Medicine of the National Autonomous University of Mexico (UNAM) indicate that there is a correlation between the years of experience of the surgeon and the probability of an injury to the patient. The greater the number of years of experience, the lower the probability of injury.

He pointed out that the same thing happens with airplane pilots. They cannot operate an aircraft after studying a manual, but must be in a simulator and accumulate more than 1,500 flight hours to pilot a commercial airplane, this being one of the safest industries in the world.

López Elizalde stressed that the “Vesalius” center will strengthen the development of psychomotor skills. With this, it will allow the standardization and repetition of the different exercises to acquire a better technique, in order to provide greater patient safety, since it reduces errors and, therefore, the risk of involuntary injuries.

There are multiple devices for surgical training. They can be simple or very complex, have more or less fidelity. However, the option of working with cadaveric models subjected to some fixation and conservation process constitutes a high-quality input, with the additional advantage of allowing the simulation of the entire surgical procedure in a safe environment where there will be no complications for the patient.

Characteristics of the ISSSTE surgical training center

The goal of The “Vesalius” center at ISSSTE will be the training of future highly specialized surgeons, with adequate facilities. The Surgical Anatomy Training and Research Center will have: 10 stations, a master table, 11 microscopes, 11 endoscopy towers, 11 milling equipment, four refrigerators and a storage tub. In addition, a preparation, injection and plastination area; a classroom for 40 people, projectors and 2D, 3D and 4K screens.

The medical director of ISSSTE mentioned that “Vesalius” is considered to open in July of this year. About his address, it will be located within the San Fernando complex, south of Mexico City.

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