How long does it take to get over the death of a parent?

by time news

The death of a father or a mother can cause a deep pain because, from one moment to the next, we lose the person who gave us unconditional love, support and life advice. A part of us goes with them, no matter if the death of a parent occurs in an adult stage, the wound is painful,how long does it take to get over the death of a parent?

Why does the death of a parent affect?

Nobody prepares us for coping with the death of a parentregardless of what happens in an adult stage, when we are expected to understand the life cycle. According to an article published by the Journal Of The Royal Society Of Medicinehe mourning the death of a parent is proportional to the Connection that is lost even if it has had a short or long life.

There are several reasons why affects the death of a parent, one of them is that we lose our sense of identity, since they are the ones who form our values ​​or beliefs to become the people we are, on the other hand, the loss of a parent indicates a change in family roles and it is not easy to take over.

How long does it take to get over the death of a parent?/ Photo: Photo: iStock

after the unfortunate death of singer and actor Julián Figueroa, son of Joan Sebastian and Maribel Guardiaa detail that did not go unnoticed was the emotional reflection that Julian Figueroa shared on his Instagram account about his father, the day before he passed away, the same day that Joan Sebastian would have turned 72 years old.

“How slowly 8 years have passed, since the day you left time tastes more bitter. And people proclaim time, everything has to fix, but it’s a vile lie, it hurts more every day and without fear of hurting sensibilities… here it goes. The fans revile LONG LIVE THE POET OF THE PEOPLE, but I don’t give a damn I ONLY LOVE MY DAD. To hell with the grammys, with the fame and the money, because my only wish is to hug you… one more time. I love you DAD and if your death hurts me, it is because your life was so valuable to me,” the message reads.

How long does it take to get over the death of a parent?/ Photo: Instagram @julian_f.f

According to various media, Julian Figueroa was going through a depressive picture caused by the death of his father Joan Sebastian, it was Julián himself who recognized that it was not easy to overcome the death of his father despite the years.

There is no doubt that the death of a father is one of the most painful experiences because it implies the loss of one of the strongest ties, mourning is not easy, but it is necessary for understand, accept and follow after lose a parent

How long does it take to get over the death of a parent?

there is not one normal duration of mourning, but according to the American Psychological Associationit is usually between one or two years to accept more than overcome the death of a father hence the importance of living the stages of grief by the hand of a specialist so that it does not become a complicated duel.

How long does it take to get over the death of a parent?/ Photo: iStock

For some people, the feelings of loss do not improve over the years, as might have happened to Julian Figueroa, who expressed his feelings one day before he died. To this grief disorder it is known as complicated duel, describe specialists at the Mayo Clinic Medical Institute.

In a complicated duelemotions are usually so painful and intense, that it is difficult recover from loss and continue even with your own life. One of the main warning signs is that you live in a state of grief constant that does not allow get out of the duel.

Complicated grief symptoms

  • Deep sadness, pain, or constant thoughts about the loved one
  • Persistent wishes or longing for the deceased
  • resentment for loss
  • Feeling that life has no meaning
  • Inability to enjoy life without the deceased person
  • Lack of concentration on things other than the death of the loved one

How long does it take to get over the death of a parent?/ Photo: iStock

One of the complications of this kind of duelis that it manifests pictures of depressionfeelings of guilt or self-reproach, therefore, the most recommended is deal with grief with the help of a professional to avoid mental health problems.

How long does the sadness of the death of a parent last?

The duration of sadness for the death of a parent depends on many factors, such as the type of relationship you had, the way you died, the experiences shared, your personalityas well as the support net with which you count

There are some strategies to better cope with the grief of a loved one:

  • Talking about the death of the loved one: it will help to understand that the person is gone, a way to accept his departure so as not to stagnate in mourning.
  • Accept feelings: allow yourself to accept sadness, anger, frustration, don’t keep anything or repress it.
  • Self-care: focus on other activities, exercise, eat well, rest, this will allow you to get through the day to day and move on.
  • Celebrating the life of your loved one: overcoming grief does not mean forgetting, honoring their memory will allow you to remove negative feelings that can stall your process.

The death of Julian Figueroa brought many doubts due to the little information that was handled at the beginning, one of them was the cremation of his body hours after his death. However, we must not forget that it was his wish because he did not want his son to experience the same pain that he experienced when he saw his father at his funeral on July 13, 2015.

How long does it take to get over the death of a parent?/ Photo: Instagram @julian_f.f

Without a doubt, the death of a father It’s not easy, the best way to cope is to grieve. now that you know how long does it take to get over the death of a parentIt’s time to be more empathetic because not everyone marches at the same pace, don’t you think?

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If you are interested in knowing the latest information about the death of Julian FigueroaStay tuned for the next video.

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