Tension between Armenia and Azerbaijan: 7 soldiers killed and 3 wounded after a shooting

by time news

At least seven soldiers died during a shootout on the border between Armenia and Azerbaijanaccording to the official communication issued by the national authorities of both countries, which dispute the conflictive region called Nagorno Karabakh.

The Azerbaijani Ministry of Defense reported that three soldiers died during “the repression of the provocation of the part armenia” and they did not indicate that any injuries have been registered. For their part, the Armenian government let it be known that “four soldiers were killed” and six others were “injured”.

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Azerbaijan explained in a statement that “the positions of the Armenian army deployed near the town of Dyg – an area located on the border between the two countries – opened fire on the Azerbaijani positions“, who also answered” with fire.

Instead, from Yerevan they blamed the Azerbaijani troops and specified that at 4:00 p.m. this Tuesday “they opened fire on the Armenian military who did engineering work“.

The former Soviet republics have been fighting since the early 1990s for control of this region, an enclave of majority armenia recognized by the international community as part of Azerbaijan. The area located in Transcaucasia is controlled in fact for the most part by the government of Artsakh, a state of limited recognition.

After the collapse of the Soviet Union the territory was separated from Baku. The last major conflict, which occurred in 2020, cost the lives of 6,500 people and ended up with a defeat of Armenia.

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Since then, deadly and sporadic clashes have continued to take place in the enclave and on the border between the two countries. After the recent event, the two states agreed in stating that the situation had stabilized after several hours of shooting.

In recent months, Azerbaijan closed the only route that connected that enclave with Armenia, while both sides accuse each other of violation of the truce signed after the 2020 war for control of Karabakh. This blockade has generated food shortages in the region.

The Armenian Foreign Ministry called to condemn the events

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Armenia issued a document in which it called on “all partners interested in peace” to condemn with “unambiguous declarations and concrete measures Azerbaijan’s aggressive actions” to prevent a escalation of violence in Upper Karabakh.

“Let us note that the use of force and threat of use of force are inseparable parts of Azerbaijani politics and are aimed at substantially destabilizing the situation in the region and undermine efforts of the mediating partners to continue with the peaceful negotiations”, expressed the Foreign Ministry of that country.

In this sense, they detailed that a group of soldiers from the Azerbaijan Armed Forces, with the presumed excuse to clarify the locations on the border, he would have approached the Armenian soldiers, and they would have provoked them with firearms. Later, they would have opened fire with weapons of different calibers in the direction of the Armenian positions.

The Armenian soldiers, then, undertook “retaliatory actions and defended the sovereign territory of the Republic of Armenia”, they added, while mourning the dead and wounded.

“This provocation constitutes a new violation by Azerbaijan of the territorial integrity of the Republic of Armenia. This policy is not new, it is the continuation of the May-November 2021 and September 2022 attacks against Armenia, as a result of which Azerbaijan occupied territories” Armenian sovereignsends the statement.


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