Al-Araby Al-Jadeed: The Libyan file is one of the main obstacles to the normalization of Egyptian-Turkish relations

by time news

Sources familiar with the file of restoring Egyptian-Turkish relations told Al-Araby Al-Jadeed news website that Egyptian Foreign Minister Sameh Shoukry’s visit to the Turkish capital, Ankara, today, Thursday, can be read in the context of developing diplomatic relations between the two countries.

The sources confirmed that the lesson in bringing the level of relations between the two countries to the level desired by both parties is the signing of an agreement to delimit the maritime borders between Egypt and Turkey and to reach an understanding and a radical solution in the Libyan file, and not only the exchange of official visits of officials from the two countries.

The sources said that the crisis in the Egyptian demands for Libya is that the Turkish military presence there is not through mercenaries working illegally, but it is based on a valid international agreement signed with an internationally recognized Libyan government. Therefore, the Egyptian claim is the presence of foreign forces and Turkish mercenaries on the lands. Libyan is not real and unreal.

On the other hand, the sources added that Cairo seeks to maintain good relations with Ankara and work to develop them, and the evidence for this is that it did not complete the agreement to demarcate the maritime borders with Greece in order to preserve the feeling of solidarity with Turkey, nor did it recognize the Armenian genocide.

The sources pointed out that the commercial and economic relations between Cairo and Ankara are at the highest level, and there is also an effort to develop diplomatic relations, but achieving a higher level of relations in the rest of the files depends on some outstanding issues, such as Cairo’s demand to hand over the dissidents on Turkish soil.

The sources ruled out that Turkey would acquiesce in this request, stressing that Egypt should not stop at this demand and should not mortgage its relationship with Turkey to it given the urgent need to develop relations with Ankara, which plays important roles at the international level, including its interference in the Ukrainian crisis and the crisis between Armenia and Azerbaijan and others. of important files.

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