Agreement of dupes – Info-Matin

by time news

Mali, our dear Maliba, will forever be a land of antinomy, the homeland of contrasts and opposites. It is here that we want to triumph without fighting; to build peace, fraternity and social cohesion in distrust and deviance, national unity in secession… the new Mali with the old lies and nonsense of yesteryear. Mali is the country where questions remain unanswered, where contradiction is dead. To each his vision, to each his truth, to each his Mali Kura. What remains to the great Malian nation of yesterday? Mercenaries without pay who chirp on social networks in search of their pittance who take themselves as demiurges. Normal that the essential gives way to the superfluous.

The overflight of the “Forbidden City” by a FAMa fighter plane, on Wednesday April 5, on the eve of the date that has become emblematic for irredentists spurred on by whom we know, revives speculation on a “request” from Kidal, such as ” Operation Terminator”. But what the commentators and all these political scientists of the networks have not mentioned enough is the fear created by this little air safari in the ranks of those who want to continue to challenge the Republic, to benefit from the butter and the money butter. They call themselves Azawadians, but travel with the Malian passport.
He is one of his Azawadians, who believes he is on a diplomatic mission in Bamako, in his evening panic, tries to give his reading of the situation between “you” (nou and “us” (them, Azawadians). In three dated tweets Monday, April 10, 2023, Attaye Ag Mohamed, head of the delegation of the Coordination of Azawad Movements (CMA) to the Agreement Monitoring Committee (CSA, therefore the Missi domici de l’Azawad in Bamako) and senior executives of the Political Bureau of the MNLA, tries to make his followers swallow that: “we should not fail to remember that it is not at all Kidal who manifests maneuvers of aggression in the direction of Bamako but rather the opposite. Until here a ceasefire and its security arrangements endorsed by all parties in 2014, framed the actions”.
According to him, the purpose of his Tweet “is simply in the hope of contributing to the right information for those who really want to understand”. He tackles in passing “the machine of populist propaganda (which) has gone so far as to make pseudo-state magistrates, public defamers on TV sets”.

Finally, he ends with a big lie by writing that “since the signing of the Algiers Agreement in 2015, never an official of one of the member movements of the CMA has taken part in the activities of April 6 and no parade has only been formally instructed on the occasion. A measure that comes under the obligation to respect the signed commitments”.
What is the sincerity and credibility of this “craftsman” of peace who thinks and affirms that it is a maneuver of aggression on the part of the Malian army to fly in the airspace of Mali. By opposing Kidal to Bamako, Attaye Ag Mohamed is in the official separatist narrative: there is “them and us”, Kidal and Mali. Because for the head of the MNLA that he is and remains, Kidal cannot be Malian, so any overflight of the city is an act of aggression because the army of Mali has crossed Azawadian airspace …! By saying that “it is by no means Kidal who is demonstrating aggressive maneuvers towards Bamako but rather the opposite” the representative of the CMA in Bamako only corroborates the statement made by the Revolutionary Committee of the MNLA on April 6 in the name of CMA from which no known leader of the former rebellion has stood out, of which here is an extract: “Here we are eight (8) years after the signing of the Algiers Agreement that we had signed the last and following pressures supported by threats and guarantees, with the support and complicity of certain members of the international community and of the mediation, in the stagnation and the total blockage in front of the categorical review of its application by the governmental part without it moving anyone, any more than the organizations quick to pronounce sanctions for an old mud wall broken by a jihadist apprentice (…)
Today, the people of Azawad, after so much suffering, patience, low blows, bad faith, defiance on the part of the Malian State, have come to the conclusion that with Mali, they there is no way to build a common future and becoming. Consequently the solution of the separation Mali-Azawad in two completely distinct States is essential and we will work with its concretization, whatever that will cost .
Those who imprudently drafted this rag of declaration, undoubtedly do not ignore that there are 62 Malians “resolved to die for Mali”, one and indivisible. Who is going too fast in declaring war by advocating “the separation of Mali-Azawad into two totally distinct states” and by affirming without flinching to work there before God and the Malians? What weakness of intelligence: in Mali the questions remain unanswered! So let’s be content with the obvious, which is shared.

By signing the last ones, the MNLA within the CMA was convinced and recognizes the double need on the one hand “to rebuild the national unity of the country on innovative bases, which respect its territorial integrity, take into account its ethnic diversity and culture, as well as its geographical and socio-economic specificities” and on the other hand “to restore security without delay, promote lasting peace and stability in our country and translate into reality the rules of good governance, transparency in management, respect for human rights, justice and the fight against impunity” (preamble to the Agreement).
Mr. Attaye Ag Mohamed and his separatist organization, the MNLA, had undertaken and had reiterated their attachment, on the one hand, to “respect for national unity, territorial integrity and the sovereignty of the State of Mali, as well as its republican form and its secular nature” and, on the other hand, “rejection of violence as a means of political expression and recourse to dialogue and consultation for the settlement of disputes”.
Eight years after having subscribed publicly and without any constraint to this Agreement on June 20, 2015 (after their refusal to sign on May 15, 2025, no one cut their throats), will the CMA give reason to those who have not than a word to have additional proof of his bad faith, his duplicity and his felony? The Answer is obvious, since the questions are not answered. Unless ‘an ardent supporter of peace, the MNLA has agreed to respect ‘the territorial integrity of Mali’ on the condition that Azawad be granted a specific political, territorial and legal status, with a mode of adequate governance inducing broad normative competences, in the exploitation and management of the territory, its resources and in terms of security” (Declaration of the European branch of the MNLA of June 21, 2015).

Mr. Attaye Ag Mohamed, head of the CMA delegation to the CSA affirms to the antinomy of the truth and without making the most ardent patriots smile (because it is far from an “olofo-baro”) that “since the signing of the Algiers Accord in 2015, never an official of one of the CMA member Movements took part in the activities of April 6 and no parade was formally instructed on the occasion. A measure that comes under the obligation to respect the signed commitments”.

We should not refresh the selective memory of Attaye Ag Mohamed, because the facts are stubborn and the VAR exists even for the incorrigible separatists camouflaged in the turbans of peace. Less than a year after the signing of the agreement for peace and reconciliation resulting from the Algiers process, the Coordination of Azawad Movements (CMA), which still held on to its project of independence for Azawad ( perjury), at the instigation of the MNLA, had celebrated, on Wednesday, April 6, 2016, the 4th anniversary of the declaration of the independence of his phantasmagorical Republic, in front of all the main officials of the MNLA and the CMA.
During the ceremony where the flag of Azawad (and not that of Mali) was solemnly hoisted on the mast in Kidal, Attaye Ag Mohamed, in charge of human rights in the political office of the MNLA at the time, had took the floor to say that the people of Azawad commemorate April 6, 2016 to remind the whole world, and particularly in Bamako, that beyond an amicable compromise in accordance with the principles determined with the international community in UN Security Council resolutions 2085 and 2100, “nothing is yet ruled out”.
Two days after this pompous celebration of independence, the leaders of the MNLA held, from April 7 to 9, the 3rd congress of their armed movement in Kidal. Launching the work of the congress, the president of the MNLA, (and no less “head of state of Azawad”), Bilal Ag Chérif, in his speech, underlined that “the fight waged for several years by the MNLA has the sole purpose of liberating the people of Azawad”.

Three (3) days after rejecting the conclusions of the Conference of Understanding, the Coordination of Movements of Azawd (CMA) celebrated in Kidal, Thursday, April 6, 2017, the 5th anniversary of the declaration of independence of the “Republic of Azawad”. The celebration recorded, again this year, the presence of all the leaders of the CMA and the interim authorities of the Kidal region. During a civil parade, children were clearly seen walking on the flag of Mali. Following the children, the “soldiers” marched to cries of “Down with Mali, long live Azawad! “.
How and why continue negotiations with those who, instead of laying down their arms, celebrate their independence with great pomp each year, worry the Malians?
At the end of the National Accord Conference, the CMA spokesperson, undoubtedly the most moderate, Almou Ag Mohamed, said: “We signed an agreement in Algiers in 2015 [qui garantit l’intégrité territoriale du Mali]. We would have liked there to be a consensus at the end of the conference. Let us give a definition to Azawad. But we found that the strategy of the government was to drown this crucial question with the other points”.
Clearly, the CMA is going it alone in its quest for the recognition of a status for Azawad; because Fahad Ag Almahamoud, the Secretary General of the Platform believes that “Azawad is the political project of a minority and we cannot accede to this request…”.
For the average Malian, the Court is sufficiently informed. The will of the separatists was only for a peace between the sons of this country. Instrumentalized by ”Djougou”, they still continue to cling to their chimerical Azawad. However, in the Mali of Assimi Goîta and Choguel Maïga, there is nowhere where the army of Mali cannot be and operate on the territory of Mali. Do the feudals of Kidal understand this? What did the outside supporters and accomplices make them believe. Questions will not be answered.
Case to follow


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