Do you know the relationship that kefir has with cholesterol and glucose levels?

by time news

Kefir is one of the foods that has become most fashionable in recent years, especially in the diets of people seeking to lose weight or have a fit body. Although beyond the benefits it may have to control weight, they serve to control cholesterol and glycemia levels. Below we will tell you more about this food and how it can help your immune system.

What is kefir?

It can be said that kefir is a type of yogurt that is obtained from milk fermented by yeasts and beneficial bacteria. It is rich in calcium, protein and group B vitamins. Among some of the benefits that it presents is the probiotic effect that it exerts on the system, protecting the intestine to avoid digestive discomfort or reinforcing the defenses of the immune system.

Benefits against cholesterol

It can be considered a more than healthy food that can act as a home remedy to “cure all ills”. But it is the benefit it exerts on cholesterol that makes it differential. It works by reducing the absorption of cholesterol and, finally, prevents its manufacture in the liver. In short, it can be said that it is the greatest ally of people at risk of heart disease.

Kefir and its help for diabetics

Kefir has natural sugars that can be useful to regulate blood glucose levels, essential for the health of diabetics. Although kefir does not eliminate sugar problems, it can help glucose levels, if between 120 and 150 milliliters are consumed.

In addition, it can be considered the perfect breakfast to start the day with a good dose of nutrients that provide enough energy to perform properly. It can be used to prepare dishes such as creams or pastries, but the best thing to do, to take advantage of its benefits, is to consume it in the most natural way and at room temperature.

This food, like any other, does not work miracles, but it has been proven that it is useful for goals such as losing weight, promoting digestion or regulating blood sugar. What is clear is that kefir is a trend, despite having always been on supermarket shelves and, thanks to the benefits it brings to people with diabetes, we will surely continue to hear more about this type of yogurt for more to come. time.

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