Protects health and increases productivity

by time news
  • The boom in the home office has complicated work rest because many people cannot detach themselves from their devices.
  • Working more hours a day or week is not always synonymous with greater productivity.
  • The excess workload also puts the physical and mental integrity of employees at risk.

Currently, there is a health crisis caused by high levels of stress and anxiety among the population. Partly the situation has been caused by the change in lifestyle because now everything is instantaneous and immediate. For this reason, one of the alternative solutions is the Work break but the most important thing is that it also works to increase the productivity of work teams.

With this in mind, Salome Lopez Guillen, who is Medical Manager at Adecco Mexico, mentions that a “rested” employee is happier and more committed to their work. As a consequence he offers a higher performance and can even increase your productivity between 50 and 75%.

The importance of work rest

The Adecco Group’s “Disconnect to Reconnect” study found that it seems more difficult for employees to “disconnect” from work when they work from the office than when they do it from home (24% vs. 17%). He also mentions that it is more difficult to “disconnect” for the younger generations.

Likewise, the study indicates that spending time with friends and family (41%) is, by far, the most popular “disconnect” activity for workers. Also watching television or exercising (29%) and listening to music (27%).

“Holidays are the most common break to “disconnect” from work, however, as employers and collaborators we must remove myths and fears around it, such as believing that a person who goes on vacation is less productive or that they will leave work behind. Many workers do not request vacations for fear that they will be seen as lacking in commitment or with little interest in the company”.

This 2023 came into force in Mexico the reform that increases the vacation days according to the seniority of the collaborators, starting at 12 and increasing by two days per year until reaching 20. Now as of the sixth year, the vacation period will increase by two days for every five years of service. Previously, this right was limited to six days in the first year of work, even though the International Labor Organization (ILO) recommends a minimum period of 18 days off for the first year of work.

“We have to raise awareness and get rid of the myth that a person has to be working all the time and whoever takes a break is not committed to the company. Therefore, we are going to have to learn to be more efficient with labor indicators or measurements, so that we talk less about hours and more about efficiency. As a society we have a great job and challenge”.

Working longer is not synonymous with productivity

On the other hand, working more hours a week is not synonymous with productivity. There are countries that work less time per week but contribute a higher percentage to the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) for each hour. For example, Ireland works 1,772 hours a year and each hour contributes about $110 to GDP, according to the OECD.

Compared to a country in the region like Mexico, where more than 2,000 hours a year are worked, each fraction contributes to GDP with 22.2 dollars.

“It has been shown that work breaks have an impact on productivity, but they are also necessary, because there are physical and emotional benefits. Rest should be part of people’s lives. On those days there must also be total disconnection and quality time for personal issues that contribute to the well-being of people ”.

Also read:

Vacations and mental health: Benefits of getting out of the routine

Swollen feet, the most common problem in travelers on vacation

Offering More Vacation Days: Mental Health Benefits

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