Seizure of the Joaquín Ramírez case, related to Keiko Fujimori, is more than US$1,000 million

by time news

The operation carried out by the Public Ministry to seize personal and real estate in the investigation of former Fujimori congressman Joaquín Ramírez is the second largest since the Orellana case, Interior Minister Vicente Romero said.

As recalled, years ago a witness had stated that Ramírez told him that Keiko Fujimori, known in the judicial underworld as “Mrs. K”, had commissioned her to “launder” 15 million dollars. The investigated, who was previously a bus collector, surprisingly went on to manage millionaire assets whose origin he cannot explain.

Among the seized properties are the properties of the Alas Peruanas University, which lacks licensing by Sunedu. This university granted questionable master’s and doctoral degrees to the prosecutor of the Nation Patricia Benavides), in San Isidro and Jesús María. Alas Peruanas refused to deliver Benavides’ theses, which would suggest that she never carried them out. Suspiciously, Benavides would have “carried out” his master’s and doctoral studies at the same time, something impossible in any serious university.

Other assets are seven planes and a hangar in Ica, as well as an ambulance. There are 295 assets for an amount of about one billion dollars, which will go to the State. He pointed out that, after the Orellana case, the investigation against Joaquín Ramírez is the largest in Peru.

“More than 1,000 million dollars are going to be seized in an average of 295 assets. Buildings, vehicles, aircraft, simulators, real estate, (among others) anyway. After the Orellana case, this case on the issue of money laundering is the largest in Peru,” explained the Minister of the Interior.

“This gives us to understand the dimension of how money is hidden through what is legal, precisely, in the issue of money laundering,” added Romero.

“We are giving a clear message as a government, as justice operators, that we are going to change things and that there will be no impunity and also, finally, what was used for evil will now serve for good,” said.

Let’s not forget that the thief Alberto Fujimori, father of Keiko Fujimori, is considered the number seven on the list of the most corrupt ex-governors in the world, although the US$600 million is a figure that must be below reality, in view of the looting of Peru perpetrated by the Fujimori criminal organization. Added to this are the millionaire bribes from large companies for which Keikop Fujimori is accused.

As is known, the delivery of money from businessmen to the daughter of the criminal Fujimoroi and other presidential candidates follows a pattern that would classify these deliveries as bribes in advance, as Odebrecht did, in exchange for later favors so that their companies obtain million-dollar benefits. looting the state.

A sample of the behavior of the Fujimori bench sheds light on the conditioning of the contributions of businessmen. Fujimori was not elected president, but has submitted congressmen. We have seen how the Gloria group also made contributions and in September 2022 was favored with a law that favors Gloria and harms children with deficient nutrition, Law 31554, approved with the intervention of Marta Moyano from Fujimori on the board of directors , along with other characters subservient to Fujimorism such as Norma Yarrow (Avanza País), José Arriola Tueros (Avanza País) and Miguel Ciccia Vásquez (Renovación Popular), signed by Lady Camones, Martha Moyano and Maricarmen Alva. They gave priority to this law and relegated other important bills for the country.

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