Groundwater in ‘worrying’ situation as recharge ends

by time news
While a historic drought is hitting the Pyrénées-Orientales department, the bed of the Agly river, one of the department’s three major rivers, is now completely dry. Jc Milhet/Reuters

DECRYPTION – 75% of groundwater remains below monthly normals, according to scientists from the Bureau of Geological and Mining Research, who anticipate a high-risk summer.

A rainy month of March was not enough to replenish the reserves. According to the Geological and Mining Research Bureau (BRGM), which on Thursday presented an update on the country’s hydrological state at 1is April, 75% of groundwater remains below monthly normals as the end of the usual recharge period approaches. Many sectors show “low” or “very low” levels on the map (ie occurring every five or ten years on average).

« Autumn rains failed to infiltrate due to late vegetation, then winter was marked by droughtexplains Violaine Bault, hydrogeologist at the research organization. Overall, the rainfall in March improved the situation in the Grand Ouest, but it was not enough for a large part of the territory because the soils were very dry. »

Worrying situation

Water levels increased during the winter in only 40% of the points observed by the BRGM, while 32…

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