They investigate three hypotheses about the collapse of the bridge

by time news

Three hypotheses handled by the National Infrastructure Agency ANI on the collapse of the El Alambrado bridge on the La Vieja river between the departments of Valle del Cauca and Quindío, one of which could have been an attack.

The director of the ANI, William Camargo, stated that with the support of the Colombian Society of Engineers advance the first inspections to determine the causes of this accident that left two police officers dead and fifteen injured.

Camargo said that one of the hypotheses has to do with a possible attack and added that “it will be necessary verify the existence of static and dynamic loads that have been generatedcausing the affectation on very small structural elements that could have impacted the stability of the bridge by dark hands with the intention of doing damage”.

He added that “the other two have to do with an effect of progressive deterioration and maintenance failures. As well as an effect on loads that would have exceeded the weight per axle that is established and the total that the structure can support in the passage of vehicles”.

The official explained that “the last report we have on the evaluation of structural pathology, which is the state of indemnity of the structures, it was done two or three months ago, by the dealer and validated by the audit. There was no evidence of significant affectation that put the structures at risk.

military bridge

The transport minister, Guillermo Reyes, who yesterday visited the area of ​​the bridge, said that for the moment a military bridge will be enabled which will be ready between 30 and 45 days.

According to Kings, 40% of the bridges in Colombia are deteriorated and they need maintenance, for which reason he called on the ANI and the concessions to review the structures.


On the other hand, the Attorney General’s Office opened investigation to determine possible responsibilities of a criminal nature as a result of the collapse of the vehicular bridge located over the La Vieja river.

The Prosecutor’s Office arranged a specialized technical team made up of a prosecutor and agents of the Judicial Police.


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