Save Doñana by stopping ecocide in this biosphere reserve

by time news

We have witnessed a deplorable spectacle, our politicians destroying the natural resources of all Humanity with impunity and the Parliament of Andalusia as the playing field for this embarrassing robbery in broad daylight. From ACHTUNG! We ask you to support the campaigns of WWF Salva Doñana – Direct attack on the heart of Doñana y Stop Ecocidio so that actions like these have criminal prosecution.

Donana es National Park, reserva natural included in the List of Wetlands of International Importance, Special Protection Area for Birds (ZEPA) and distinguished as Biosphere Reserve by UNESCO.

But Doñana is dying of thirst due to climate change aggravated by the siege of intensive agriculture and greenhouses for the production of strawberries and other red fruits that have uncontrollably occupied thousands of hectares, isolating its biodiversity, drying up its streams and polluting and overexploited their aquifers due to the passivity of the responsible administrations. Today more than a thousand wells and hundreds of hectares of crops keep the national park under siege.

Despite the judgment of Court of Justice of the European Union and the recommendations of UNESCO And despite the warnings of the scientific community and of the European Comissionthe Popular Group of the Andalusian Parliament has once again presented a Law Proposal to amnesty to illegal farmers that already occupy an area equivalent to 1,460 football fields of strawberry crops under plastic in the area of ​​Doñana (more than 85% of the current illegal area).

Signature to demand Juan Manual Moreno Bonilla, President of the Popular Party of Andalusia and the Junta de Andalucía, to reject the processing of amnesty for illegal farmers who dry up Doñana and that it assume its international responsibility by complying with the recommendations of UNESCO and the ruling of the European Court of Justice to protect this fragile and threatened World Heritage Site.

The aviaries are old cork oaks (Quercus suber) that have an important ecological value. ‘Large buildings’ on the edge of the marsh on which a multitude of waterfowl nest.

Help turn ECOCIDE into an international crime

Why is this important?

The massive damage and destruction of ecosystems (ECOCIDE), committed repeatedly over decades and permitted by law, has led to a global climate and ecological crisis. Treaties, agreements and civil lawsuits have not been able to prevent it.

It’s time to change the rules.

Amend the Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court to include ECOCIDE as a CRIME – along with genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity – can serve as a simple and effective deterrent to those who bear responsibility, also applicable within existing criminal justice systems.

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