Alex Belli, ex-wife Katarina Raniakova: “Is he and Delia an open couple? He also said about us in court”

by time news

During the episode of Chi House – the web format of Alfonso Signorini – of December 15, the guest was Katarina Raniakova, former wife of Alex Belli. Despite having been permanently eliminated from the Casa del Big Brother Vip 6, the actor of CentoVetrine continues to be talked about. After his alleged love triangle with his girlfriend Delia Duran and gieffina Soleil Rises, now Raniakova wanted to clarify some aspects of her ex-husband’s character. In fact, the Slovak model revealed: “Alex is not a fair man, does not tell you things clear. He would like a wife to give him security, but he doesn’t want to give up the rest. He doesn’t even act like a husband and I feel sorry for Delia. We are talking about a man who loves only himself. While I saw Delia in so much suffering and I hope she will think about it and conclude as soon as possible “.

Then he added: “When Soleil broke away a little, he got confused. We are talking about a man who is small inside and needs constant confirmation. Soleil was calling him a fake, the family didn’t send him any message and he got the idea of ​​abandoning the program. I think Soleil speaks the same language as Alex and knows what to do. Was she playing the game too? No, I don’t think that, I think she thinks about herself too “. Finally, the girl – linked to Belli from 2013 to 2017 – had her say about the eventual ‘open relationship‘that the former gieffino would have with Duran: “This rumor is around, it’s very true. When we were in the courthouse for separation, I burst into tears and he told the lawyer we were in an open relationship. I accused him of betrayal and he repeated that we agreed and that we had an open couple. Obviously it wasn’t true, then he realized he had done a bad thing ”.

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Alex Belli and Delia Duran, the quarrel breaks out on the train and she launches the faith: “I don’t give a shit”


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