Culture is an all-encompassing human being

by time news

The World Culture Day celebrated on April 15 is already celebrating its 88th anniversary. in 1935 on this day in Washington, US President F. Roosevelt and representatives of twenty Latin American countries signed a pact protecting cultural values ​​in times of war and peace. It was the first international treaty to protect the world’s cultural heritage.
The cultural experiences of each of us are unique, forming a different approach to culture and cultural phenomena. As the Culture Day approaches, we “played” “Question” in the streets of Prienė. Of course, there were similarities between the answers, but short, just 1-2 minute interviews with passers-by on the street also revealed different points of view and unusual observations. We are glad that the interlocutors did not hesitate to ask questions, paused and kindly shared their opinions not only when the sun was shining, but also when the snow fell from the sky in abundance. People from Priene, like people all over the world, are in a hurry everywhere and always. Whether it’s a workout, the pool, endless chores, or a family waiting at home. We are very grateful to everyone who stopped by to chat. Thank you for taking the time to talk and we share the thoughts of the passers-by we met by chance, and we are glad that they allowed the filmed fragments of the conversations to be made public on the Facebook account of the Prienai Culture and Leisure Center on the eve of Culture Day – April 14.

“For me, culture is…”
The term culture is widely used in a wide variety of contexts and distinguishing what is not a part of culture or has no connection to culture can be a difficult task indeed. Therefore, one of the first questions heard by the citizens of Prien met on the street was about what exactly culture is for them. For some, it was associated with certain, more tangible forms of cultural expression, such as books, music, performances, exhibitions and other events, works of art. For others, culture is humanity, education and self-education, community and the environment that surrounds each of us every day. I’m glad that for some people, culture is also the cultural and leisure center of Prienai, where members of amateur art groups meet not only to sing, dance or act, but also to meet friends and like-minded people in a cozy way, just like at home.
Like culture, a cultured person seems to be imagined by everyone in their own way. However, the people of Priene created a fairly unified portrait with their answers. A cultured person, according to the interviewees, is polite and behaves nicely with others. The people of Priene see such a person as an active member of the community, well-rounded, bursting with good mood and energy. He who helps others does good without expecting any reward for himself.

Events that elevate
During the interviews, the citizens of Prien shared the events they liked the most, the cultural monuments they visited. Some people remembered the magnificent mansions and old towns of the countries they visited, while others were closer to local monuments, such as the monument of the Grand Duke Kęstutis of Lithuania standing in Prienai, which reminds them of their birthplace. People who connected their lives with art and creativity – be it music or dance – singled out concerts and performances of these genres. The name of the Song Festival was among the events named by the people of Priene. According to the interviewees, this event, which attracts a large number of spectators and participants, is precisely the one where the feeling experienced while being there is difficult to repeat or describe – when you participate in it, you feel simply elated.

A wish. Prienieci – for Prienieci
On the occasion of the Culture Day, the people of Priene did not spare nice words to the community. Some wished the citizens of the region happiness and success in their work, others wished them to be more cultured, to be interested in what is happening in the Prienai region, district and city, and to get more actively involved in community activities. Passers-by encouraged others not to give up, to create, to get new ideas, thoughts and not to lack optimism, even when it seems that time is running out for culture.
Taking advantage of this opportunity, the employees of the Prienai Culture and Leisure Center congratulate everyone on the World Culture Day and wish to enjoy culture, cherish it, draw inspiration and create it with your own life. After all, not someone else, but we are the ones who make the culture unique and unique. According to culturologists, culture is like an iceberg. The visible part of culture is art, ethnography, all material heritage, etc. – is only the tip of this iceberg. And other layers of culture – religion, traditions, family, etc. – hides deeper. It is from that invisible part that the cultural identity of each region – including Prieni – is formed.

Prepared by PKLC Marketing and Communication Specialist
Ieva Kučinskaitė and
PKLC cultural activities coordinator and organizer
Zita Kuzminskiene

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