Battery charges in 45 minutes; Go EC Autotech with EV fast charging facility at Lulu Mall

by time news

The rate is Rs 18 per unit. It takes 30 to 45 minutes to fully charge a vehicle’s battery.

Go EC at Kochi Lulu Mall The charging system is Hibi Eden MP. Inaugurating

ESeveral public-private partnerships are underway to develop a charging system for electric vehicles. Go EC Autotech Pvt Ltd, Kerala’s leading start-up company in developing an electric charging system to strengthen this, has launched an EV at Lulu Mall in Kochi. Fast charging center launched. Hibi Eden MP inaugurated the open charging system at the Lulu Mall exit area.

The charging station has been opened with state-of-the-art facilities to ensure fast and efficient charging of electric vehicles. There are more than a hundred EVs across the country. The charging centers are functioning as Go EC. EV is the realization that the future of the automobile sector is electric. The CEO of the company said that he is attracted to the activities of charging stations. PG Ramnath comments.

Go EC in collaboration with Lulu Mall. The second charging center being prepared has started in Kochi. The first was prepared at Lulu in Thiruvananthapuram. Fully manless machines are used in the charging center in Kochi. The center has four ports for fast charging for four-wheelers and slow charging for two-wheelers.

30 KV in fast charging system. Single slot of capacity and two slot of 60 KV are provided. 3.3 kV in slow charging for two-wheelers. There is capacity. Four vehicles can be charged here at the same time. The rate is Rs 18 per unit. It takes 30 to 45 minutes to fully charge a vehicle’s battery. Go EC plans to set up this system in other Lulu malls in the future. Planning.

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