UNAM, Sheinbaum’s “plan B”

by time news

“There is an alternative. There is always a third way, and it is not a combination of the other two ways. It’s a different way.”


And I begin to believe that I am one of your friends

I’m always in nowhere, it gets dark and doesn’t call

He tells me: “better tomorrow”, that he already has other plans

And I hoped to be the first

Your plan A, not the third (no!)

But we are far

If you feel the same, it’s always the same.”


The UNAM as Claudia Sheinbaum’s “plan B”, of not getting the coveted Morena’s candidacy and from —a part of— the 4T to go through the presidency in 2024? Some say that this is actually “plan A” of Adam Augusto Lopez; that the doctor of sciences leaves for her alma mater and he is anointed by the obradorismo for the presidential contest. (I think he still doesn’t understand that AMLO put it on the cork with the sole purpose of subtracting points from Marcelo Ebrard, putting Ricardo Monreal in line and taking care of the CDMX head of government.)

They imagine? Given plan B for her (or plan A for Adam), Sheinbaum and Lorenzo Cordova they would face each other again, but not at the polls or with respect to the INE, but as candidates for the rectory from UNAM. What a thing.

I must say that neither of these two characters has made clear their aspiration to be the next rector of the highest house of studies in the nation. However, it is an option that should be considered. There are always third, fourth, fifth routes not originally planned…

Today’s most read columns

The succession in the rectory is scheduled for September of this year and the change in the sixth floor of the tower located in CU/Insurgentes will take place in November. In part, it is the latter that would strengthen the version that it would be a good option for Adán Augusto to try get rid of claudia before the 2023/2024 electoral process begins.

But it would also explain the strong beating of Lorenzo now that he has returned to the UNAM Legal Research Institute, including the threat of a march against him. After López Obrador, those who have singled out Lorenzo the most are precisely Adán Augusto and Claudia…

It goes without saying that the government offensive against UNAM in recent times it is also for the next head of the house of studies to be part of / see the Fourth Transformation with good eyes. Let him forget the autonomy that UNAM proudly carries in its own name.

It seeks to blow up the National Autonomous University of Mexico with legislative initiatives without support from the morenista bench. You will remember the most recent: the one that the Morenista deputy Armando Contreras announced to reform the Organic Law of the University in order for the next rector to be elected by the university community and not by the Governing Board. Although in the end he decided to lower his proposal, the noise has not stopped.

The proposals to reform the UNAM, the way to choose the rector is a reminder of the desire of López Obrador —but also of those who emulate him— to disappear all the autonomous bodies and structures that enjoy power and prestige. “Democratize” them as an excuse to submit them.

But the blows are also brewing from inside the house of studies itself. Yesterday, the Faculty of Engineering declared the suspension of its activities (until April 21 or when 15 points of its request document are met, whichever comes first). Other schools followed suit; the faculties of Political and Social Sciences, that of Economics and that of Philosophy and Letters were declared in paro. It is said that it is a protest for the cut to scholarships Elisa Acuña, budget cut made by the SEP, not the UNAM (yes, the UNAM released a letter signed by the secretariat in which it informs the university that they do not have the resources for the aforementioned scholarships). An injustice for the students who receive this scholarship, as a government punishment to the university…

We know it well: these actions and others are ways of putting pressure on the UNAM and their authorities. Put the university in check, then.

We are aware of the constant clash that has occurred between the National Palace and the institution, especially in the case of Minister Yasmín Esquivel. But also before with President AMLO accusing the institution of being neoliberal… The continuous beating of the 4T to the UNAM -and now also to Lorenzo in his recovered academic facet- undoubtedly seems to confirm that the regime has plans for said institution. One of them might well visualize Sheinbaum as Chancellor.

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