Admiring a sunset reduces stress

by time news

EGI – There is nothing like a sunrise or a sunset that can offer absolute suggestions and keep a person in contemplation. Now research tells us that “sunsets are among the most beautiful transient weather phenomena that occur during a day” and that “people find sunrises and sunsets to be the most beautiful and powerful time of day”. The Washington Post writes it.

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However, the same research also argues that while “a clear blue sky can improve mental state” for sure “watching a sunset or a sunrise can offer an extra emotion”. Including the portraits of a painting or the images displayed on our technological screensavers. “Awe is typically a feeling difficult to evokesaid the study’s lead author, Alex Smalley, a doctoral candidate at the University of Exeter in England. However, “feelings of amazement can also improve mood, increase positive emotions and decrease stress,” says the Post.

admire sunsets

© Christophe Gateau / DPA / dpa Picture Alliance via AFP

Sunset behind the Brandenburg Gate in Berlin

However, Smalley underlines: “When we see something so profound and overwhelming that it nails, the problems seem to vanish or at least reduce in their proportion, so in the end we don’t worry too much”. Sunrises and sunsets give reliefIn short.

However not every day they offer these shows. So what’s the best time of year to see a sunset? What makes a sunrise and sunset so vivid? And can we predict them?, asks the newspaper of the American capital. For example, what happens in the atmosphere when the sun rises or sets? The answer is that sunlight “follows a short and fairly direct path through the atmosphere to the ground” but “its position shifts tangentially to the ground and the path from the sun to the ground lengthens” and it is here that “the various shades of color come into play”, analyzes the Post, as if it were a filter that is applied to the camera.

What is the best season for sunsets? According to the newspaper, “lSummer is a critical time to view sunsets” because there is an increase in air pollution due to frequent fires. The result is that the particles that disperse in the air “basically act like many mini mirrors, reflecting the light in the sun or blocking it outright” while “the best time is during the late autumn and winter” when the air is cleaner, clear on cold and windy days. But even clouds can help improve the effect, “by further reflecting sunlight on the ground”.

And if the sunsets are lost together with the sunrises, what happens? It’s not easy to catch the right moment. Also because these are “very ephemeral” moments, so much so that even when you observe their nuances they change over the course of minutes if not seconds. So predicting a creepy and unrepeatable sunset is neither easy nor programmable. You have to know seize the day…, the right one.

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