“People still think that harassment is a fatality that happens to women and that they have to conform”

by time news

April 14, 2023 16:52

Tiago Miranda

Sociologist Anália Torres prepared a training manual to prevent and combat harassment in the workplace

In an interview with Expresso in the week in which the academic world was once again shaken by accusations of sexual harassment, sociologist Anália Torres, director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies, who has already coordinated several works on the subject, regrets that many organizations, namely colleges, have not yet created codes of conduct to prevent and combat harassment, as required by law

April 14, 2023 16:52

Joana Pereira Bastos

Tiago Miranda

A year after the disclosure of reports of harassment at the Faculty of Law of the University of Lisbon, a complaint once again shook the academic world, this time with the publication of an article in which three researchers reveal that they had been harassed at the Center for Social Studies (CES ) of the University of Coimbra, accusing, although without naming, the sociologist Boaventura Sousa Santos and an assistant. Both have since denied the reports. In an interview with Expresso, Anália Torres, director of the Interdisciplinary Center for Gender Studies at the University of Lisbon, which has coordinated several studies on sexual harassment, regrets that many institutions, including colleges, have not yet created mechanisms to prevent and combat the phenomenon. .

This week, three researchers reported situations of harassment in a book, not identifying the institution and the alleged aggressors, but allowing one to understand where it was and who it was. What comments does this case deserve for you?

It is necessary to investigate, as the CES will do, and listen to each other. The way in which this case was made public does not seem to me to be the most correct, but the truth is that, as there are no mechanisms [de denúncia] assembled, people often have no way of saying things. If, at the time of the facts, that institution had its own mechanisms, people could have made an anonymous complaint, which would only be known by an independent commission. And if they didn’t, then it could be assumed that they were making it up.

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