The fiduciary declaration bill will be approved

by time news

The draft law on fiduciary declaration is realistic and will be approved in parliament. This was said by temporarily appointed Prime Minister Eduard Heger after the government’s meeting. He claims that he has the declared support of the former coalition clubs.

“There are clear voices that it is far from what it should be, but it is a realistic proposal that can pass in parliament. In 30 years, it is the biggest shift that has ever taken place here,” noted E. Heger.

The fiduciary declaration seems like a good idea to Acting Labor Minister Milan Krajniak. “We can discuss which specific life situations it should facilitate. I have improving remarks,” he noted, adding that it is a step forward.

According to the temporarily appointed head of the Department of Economy, Karel Hirman, the proposal has a wider reach and the issue concerns every person. “I personally, as a citizen who can certainly experience those situations, consider it a significant contribution to the solution of practical problems,” he said.

On Friday, the government approved the fiduciary declaration law. People close to each other, including unmarried same-sex couples, could more easily deal with shared life situations.

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