Office of the Vice-Rector for Internationalization > The University of Granada offers, together with three other universities from the Arqus Alliance, a new Joint Master’s Degree in European Studies

by time news

The University of Granada participates in the new Joint Master’s Program in European Studies, which has just been jointly launched by four partner universities of the Arqus Alliance (Granada, Graz, Leipzig and Vilnius). Each of the 4 partner universities brings to this innovative program their experience and academic excellence to train students from all over the world. The master offers potential students a multidisciplinary reading of Europe’s role in the world, mainly, but not only, from the point of view of the social sciences and humanities.

The master’s degree, which consists of 11 modules plus the master’s thesis, is taught entirely in English and will be carried out full-time over 2 academic years (120 ECTS credits in total).

The program is totally flexible and adaptable to the needs of potential students. In it, different teaching methodologies will be combined (face-to-face, hybrid and online) and there will be both virtual and jointly taught courses and face-to-face seminars led by professors from the participating universities. In addition, there will be multinational and interdisciplinary teaching teams for all subjects that will use interdisciplinary approaches to promote a comprehensive and varied learning model.

The Joint Master in European Studies will train students to acquire a multidisciplinary vision of Europe’s role in the world. To do this, they will study European relations from the social sciences and humanities. This master’s degree focuses on the relationship between Europeanization and globalization, on the impact that the most important world events have on Europe and on the changing role of the continent in the new world order.

Different centers and institutes from the universities of Granada, Graz, Leipzig and Vilnius participate in the master’s degree, which have extensive experience in the field of European studies. In this way, students will be able to delve into areas that complement each other and at the same time live a unique intercultural experience.

The application period ends on April 30, 2023.

For more information, visit the following website:

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