Three shocking proposals from economists to really reduce public spending

by time news

Nicolas Bouzou, Francois Ecalle, Lisa Thomas-Darbois. Sébastien SORIANO/Le Figaro; Private Collection; Montaigne Institute.

Assume cuts in public aid, put pressure on communities… They share their proposals and open the debate.

Nicolas Bouzou: end of the civil service status

« If we really want to reduce public spending, this can only happen through profound normative changes“says Nicolas Bouzou, essayist and director of the Asterès cabinet. Behind this politically correct expression hides a conviction: the statute of the public service must be abolished. “Not in all departmentstempers Nicolas Bouzou,but this would allow in many of them to restore room for maneuver on the payroll.»

The economist, whose analysis is marked by the fact that he comesof the business world“Judges that the status of the public service has had its day. “It was created at a time when it made sense, but today it cripples administrations that simply cannot save on human resources. The expert recognizes that removing civil servant status cannot be an instant solution. This project would take time, years, and would require the commitment of considerable political weight…

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