Press release from the Council of Ministers of Friday April 14, 2023

by time news

The Council of Ministers met in ordinary session, Friday, April 14 2023in its deliberation room at the Koulouba Palace, under the chairmanship of the Colonel Assimi GOITA, Transitional President, Head of state.

After reviewing the items on the agenda, the Board: adopted draft texts;

and heard communications.



  1. On the report of the Minister of Justice and Human Rights, Keeper of the Seals, the Council of Ministers adopted draft texts relating to Judicial unit specializing in the fight against terrorism and transnational organized crime.

The Judicial Center specialized in the fight against terrorism and transnational organized crime, set up at the Tribunal de Grande Instance of Commune VI of the District of Bamako, is competent to judge offenses relating to serious violations of human rights and international humanitarian law, in particular sexual violence, attacks on cultural property, summary executions or other crimes likely to be classified as crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide.

The complexity of the cases handled requires the setting up of judgment panels within the Specialized Judicial Division made up of magistrates who are both specialized and fully dedicated in order to avoid the bogging down of procedures and allow cases to be tried within a reasonable time in accordance with to the guiding principles on which the fight against terrorism is based, respect for human rights and the international commitments entered into by our country.

Through this reform, the Judicial Center specializing in the fight against terrorism and transnational organized crime will be separated from the High Court of Commune VI of the District of Bamako and will be composed of:

a specialized prosecutor’s office headed by a Public Prosecutor in charge of the fight against terrorism and transnational organized crime placed under the authority of the General Prosecutor at the Court of Appeal of Bamako;

specialized investigation cabinets responsible for exclusively investigating cases falling within the competence of the specialized judicial unit;

correctional chambers specializing in terrorism and transnational organized crime;

a Specialized Investigation Brigade known as the Brigade for the Fight against Terrorism and Transnational Organized Crime;

a staff of assistants who are specialists or experts according to their field of competence, made available to the Minister in charge of Justice by the competent authority.

Furthermore, with a view to enhancing efficiency in the fight against this phenomenon
criminal law, the provisions relating to prescription, police custody, searches, seizures, the hearing of witnesses and pre-trial detention have been reviewed.

The amendment also introduces certain special investigative techniques into the legal scheme.

The draft texts adopted align the specialized judicial center in the fight against terrorism and crime with the required standards that prevailed in the creation of a national economic and financial center and a national center for the fight against cybercrime in national jurisdiction.

  1. On the report of the Minister of Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation, the Council of Ministers adopted draft texts relating to the ratification of the Financing Agreement signed in Rome on February 16 2023, between the Government of the Republic of Mali and the Fund International Agricultural Development, relating to the second project of Vocational Training, Integration and Support for Entrepreneurship of Rural Youth-PROUD II.

Through this agreement, the International Fund for Agricultural Development grants the Government of the Republic of Mali two loans distributed as follows:

an A loan, eligible under very favorable conditions for an amount of 20 billion 290 million 61 thousand 924 CFA francs;

a B loan, eligible under favorable conditions for an amount of 5 billion 72 million 515 thousand 481 CFA Francs.

The project, subject of this financing, will contribute to the creation of wealth and the reduction of poverty among young rural people in the regions of Kayes, Koulikoro, Sikasso, Ségou, Mopti, Gao, Timbuktu and Kidal.

Specifically, its implementation will allow, among other things:

to make the institutional and socio-economic environment conducive to the promotion of entrepreneurship and employment of young rural people;

support young rural people to generate decent incomes through sustainable access to financial and non-financial services adapted to their needs and market requirements;

to facilitate the economic integration of young rural people aged 15 to 40 from low-income households into agricultural value chains and non-agricultural occupations.

  1. On the report of the Minister of Rural Development, the Council of Ministers adopted a draft decree relating to the import and use of pesticides on an exceptional basis for the 2023-2024 agricultural campaign.

The 2022-2023 cotton campaign was marked by a massive invasion of harmful insects called jassids on the fields of all the cotton subsidiaries in the CMDT and OHVN zones where significant damage was recorded mainly on cotton and other crops.

The analysis of the samples of jassids collected showed the presence of several species harmful to crops.

To fight against these harmful species, researchers from the Regional Program for Integrated Cotton Production in Africa have proposed new active ingredients.

The draft decree is adopted in order to allow, on an exceptional basis, the import and use of these materials for the 2023-2024 agricultural campaign.


The Minister of Health and Social Development informed the Council of Ministers of the evolution of the Coronavirus disease marked by a decrease in the number of cases tested positive compared to the previous week.

The President of the Transition, Head of State, however, called on the population to strictly respect the measures to prevent and fight against the disease.

Bamako, April 14, 2023

The Secretary General of the Government,

Mahamadou DAGNO
Officer of the National Order

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