Raki TALLA invites the resumption of dialogue between the brothers – Info-Matin

by time news

The women of the National Transitional Council (CNT) organized a conference debate, this Wednesday, April 12, to contribute to the strengthening of security, peace, social cohesion and reconciliation in Mali. A process in which they emphasize having an important role, while their participation remains very limited in the mediation teams.

Chaired by the vice-president of the CNT, Raki TALLA, the conference debate brought together during the day yesterday women of the CNT, leaders of women’s organizations and also parliamentary secretaries of the legislative body of the transition.
“Women key players in peace, security and national reconciliation in Mali: Role and challenges” was the central theme of the meeting.
In addition to this, participants discussed other themes such as United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on women, peace and security; the Women, Peace and Security Agenda of the African Union and also the Agreement for Peace and Reconciliation in Mali, resulting from the Algiers process, which our country has had since 2015.
Speaking on this occasion, the spokesperson for the women of the CNT, Nana Aïcha CISSE welcoming, recalled the duty of mobilization of all the Malian people to contribute to the construction and maintenance of a peaceful environment, conducive to the harmonious development of the Malian territory.
However, she found that the multiple and divergent stakes and interests of key actors had risked undermining the tireless efforts of authorities and different social groups.
For her, it is therefore essential to preserve the achievements in terms of social cohesion and reconciliation and to face the persistent challenges.
Hence, she justified, the idea of ​​this initiative whose objective is to “contribute to the strengthening of security, peace, social cohesion and reconciliation in Mali”.
“It is crucial to ensure the full participation of women in peace processes at all levels,” said the spokesperson, arguing that Malian women without distinction undertake multiple actions, including mediation, to ensure their participation in the discussions. way out of the security and socio-political crisis as well as decision-making on the Transition.
Despite the recognition of the indisputable role that women play in the preservation of peace and development, she deplored that their participation had remained very limited in the mediation, peace-seeking and dialogue teams at the national, regional and regional levels. than international, then, she says, they are indisputable agents of change.
For her part, Raki TALLA, vice-president of the CNT, chairing the conference on behalf of the president of the body, welcomed the relevance of the theme of the conference which will be an opportunity for women to reaffirm their commitment to continue the fight for peace, national reconciliation. But also to be a forum for evaluating efforts to initiate a new stage.
She indicated that in accordance with the resolutions of the National Assembly for Refoundation (ANR) and the Inclusive National Dialogue, women had participated in the peace process, through the implementation of the APR.
Taking advantage of the opportunity, she called on the signatory parties to the Agreement to resume dialogue within the Agreement Monitoring Committee (CSA), whose work has been suspended for several weeks.
Moreover, welcoming the involvement of women in the various reform projects initiated by the transition, she urged them to support the referendum.
“For change, we must pass this referendum,” said the former Minister of Labor and Public Service.


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