Avalanche danger in Berlin

by time news

Because a few days ago the winter indicated in a mild form what it was capable of, we would like to point out a warning at this point that could prove to be helpful for survival in the next few months. It is on a sign that was screwed to a house wall a few streets away: “Beware of roof avalanches and icicles.” Sure, Berlin is not a cyclically heavy snowfall in southern Bavaria – but the danger is not exactly in underestimating it ?

As children we threw icicles from the gutters with snowballs, which in retrospect was nothing less than a service to the common good. Wherever we took matters into our gloved hands, people could pass afterwards with the safe feeling of not having to grapple with a suddenly falling icicle in their heads.

The public street space is something else than a park. You can think about it and, if in doubt, decide against entering a park, at the entrances of which there are signs indicating that there is no winter service. Anyone who slips there when it is slippery is responsible for this risk. It looks different on sidewalks, where the owners have to take care of the removal of snow and slippery roads or have this done by order. A sign that draws attention to the possible risk of slipping would not release you from liability in an emergency. Would be even nicer.

One of the mysteries of life is why this is apparently regulated differently in the case of roof avalanches and icicles: The occasion is the same, but a sign is sufficient here, where active intervention is mandatory. Someone must have decided that it was less reasonable to clear a twenty meter high old building roof of snow in a controlled manner than to scatter grit on the sidewalk. With the sign, the owner fulfills the so-called traffic safety obligation, because roof avalanches are generally considered to be force majeure.

Because we are a bit out of practice with throwing icicles and cannot be everywhere at the same time, make sure to remember this when it snows next: the danger is lurking upstairs!

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