for the unions, the fight “is not over”

by time news

Disappointed but not defeated. Shortly after having learned of the decision of the Constitutional Council which validates the essence of the pension reform, the thirteen organizations of employees and the defense of youth, united in inter-union, issued, Friday, April 14, a joint declaration with a very telling title on their state of mind: ” It is not finished ! » They call, for the thirteenth time, the population to demonstrate, on the occasion of the 1is– May, in order to block the text which shifts to 64 the age of opening of rights to a pension.

Read also: Live pension reform: reactions after the promulgation of the law by Emmanuel Macron

“It is above all not a defeat”considers Frédéric Souillot, Secretary General of FO, stressing that constitutional judges have “kidnapped” of the law “anything sweet”. An allusion to the invalidation of measures in favor of the employment of aging employees (senior index in companies, end-of-career contract): although not very ambitious, in the eyes of the inter-union, these provisions were supposed to materialize the social aspect of the project. Their disappearance accentuates the character “unbalanced” of the reform and confirms “great fragility” of it, according to Sophie Binet, general secretary of the CGT. “She was badly prepared, badly put together”criticizes Cyril Chabanier, the president of the CFTC.

This law being even more “unfair” that at the start, there is no other choice, according to the thirteen coalition members, than to give it up. “I appeal to the President of the Republic, we must not [la] promulgate », demanded, Friday, Laurent Berger of the CFDT, during the news of 8 p.m. on TF1. The Head of State has put himself “at a dead end”poursuit Mme Binet: if he wants to get out and ” turn the page “the only way available is to “withdraw the reform”. But this request remains a dead letter at this stage, the text having been published in Official newspaper of Saturday.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers Emmanuel Macron promulgates the pension reform, despite a dispute that remains

“It’s unreal”

Emmanuel Macron proposed to the social partners to meet him on April 18. Offer rejected by employee organizations. Such a meeting holds “a bit of provocation”comments Mr. Chabanier, recalling that he and his counterparts had asked, at the beginning of March, to be received by the President of the Republic before suffering a “end of inadmissibility”. “It’s unreal”adds Laurent Escure, the number one of the UNSA. “We are not instruments in the communication policy [du pouvoir en place] »adds François Hommeril, the president of the CFE-CGC.

Gathering on the forecourt of the town hall in Paris pending the decision of the Constitutional Council, Friday April 14, 2023.

The inter-union hoped to continue its campaign against the reform thanks to the procedure of the referendum of shared initiative (RIP) impelled by parliamentarians from the opposition. But their approach was deemed inadmissible on Friday by the Constitutional Council. A second attempt at RIP, also intended to counter retirement at 64, has been launched: if it receives the green light from the constitutional judges, this time, “we are sure to win because we will have the 4.8 million signatures needed to hold this consultation”wants to believe Mr. Hommeril.

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