“I would do it again without hesitation”: Hugo Clément justifies his participation in the evening of Valeurs Actuelles

by time news

“If I had to do it again, I would do it again without hesitation”: criticized by several environmental and left-wing personalities for his participation in a debate organized by the conservative weekly Current Values, journalist and environmental activist Hugo Clément defended himself this Friday on Twitter. During this event, which brought together nearly 3,500 people in Paris the day before, the journalist notably debated with the president of the National Rally (RN), Jordan Bardella.

“To read certain reactions, coming from the milieu of political ecology or from the far left, one should not debate with the far right, but “fight it”, writes Hugo Clément on the social network. I find this view of politics distressing.”

“Not speaking (to the voters of the National Rally) is not an option”, continues Hugo Clément, believing that it is necessary, on the contrary, to try to “convince” the sympathizers of the RN. “At worst, it doesn’t work and doesn’t convince anyone in the audience. At best, RN voters hear things that they are not necessarily used to hearing in their political family and are made aware of these important subjects, ”he explains.

“Not an eco boho thing”

During this evening, which was also attended by former Prime Minister Manuel Valls, or MEP François-Xavier Bellamy (Les Républicains), Hugo Clément had thus affirmed: “no matter who we vote for, we will all be struck by climate change”. “Biodiversity is not a thing of green sores: it is the survival of humanity”, he added facing the president of the RN, Jordan Bardella, who had meanwhile declared that he did not want to “let the subject (of ecology) to the left”.

Host of the program devoted to the preservation of the environment “Sur le front”, broadcast on France 5, and known for his commitment to the animal cause, Hugo Clément had been criticized by certain elected officials on the left for his participation in this event. The green deputy Aurélien Taché notably denounced on Twitter “the true face” of the journalist, “that of the ecological guarantee of the far right”.

“Thank you but no thank you for this dangerous depoliticization of ecology and the work of conviction towards the popular electorate”, also rebuked the rebellious MP Nadège Abomangoli on the social network.

A donation to the Brigitte Bardot Foundation

On Twitter, Hugo Clément also confirmed that he had conditioned his participation in the debate on the payment of a donation “to an association for the defense of animals”. “Values ​​Actuelles has chosen the Brigitte Bardot Foundation (FBB)”, an association criticized by some environmental activists for the proximity of its founder, the former cinema icon Brigitte Bardot, with the National Rally.

“(The FBB) is a super association very mobilized on the ground against intensive breeding, bullfighting, or cruel hunts”, welcomed the journalist on Twitter, saying he was “very proud” to support it. “People who accuse him of being ‘racist’ know neither his work for animals nor his dedicated volunteers,” he concluded.

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