Daniel De Poli, hunter of Anglicisms and benevolent terror of the French-speaking press

by time news

Apart from Anglicisms, Daniel De Poli also gives chase to the feminization of titles, a subject on which the French Academy agreed to evolve four years ago. Lek, stock.adobe.com

“Joint venture” or “joint venture”? “Big data” or “big data”? Official at the Ministry of Transport, a lover of the French language has been fighting for nearly 25 years against the misuse of foreign words.

He is the terror of French-language journalists who abuse Anglicisms. His emails invariably begin with the same words. “I am writing to you because…» ; then follow one or more examples of the English terms used by the recipient journalist. “I read your article published yesterday with interest, but wanted to make a remark concerning the use of Anglicism think tank»can we read in one of his e-mails. “The equivalent and current French expression is thinking group”.

This defender of the language of Molière is called Daniel De Poli. “I started writing my first posts about 25 years ago. Today, I am surely at several tens of thousands.believes this 54-year-old polyglot, who pounded the press rooms from the computer keyboard of his home in the suburbs of Strasbourg.

Kicking English with Québécois

In addition to the hunt for Anglicisms, this official from the Ministry of Transport also deplores the feminization of titles. Many journalists have thus been criticized for using “chief”, “author” or “agent”as many qualified terms “lexical aberrations”. This position is worth Daniel De Poli to be more royalist than the French Academy, which resolved to feminize the names of professions in 2019.

Quebecers are the best. I never write to them. We feel that there is a real will to fight the invasion of English.

Daniel DePoly

The answers of his interlocutors are often “positives“, assures Daniel De Poli, during an interview with AFP. The advocate of proper language use consistently provides “a tool” to the journalists whom he pinches in flagrante delicto of Anglicism : a link to his bible, the Grand Dictionnaire Terminologique of the Office québécois de la langue française, which suggests equivalents to English terms. Instead of “cloud services”the dictionary thus offers poetics «services infonuagiques» just waiting to cross the Atlantic. “Quebecers are the best. I never write to thementrusts this son of Italian immigrants, a salt and pepper brunette with a thunderous laugh. We feel that there is a real desire to fight the invasion of English.”.

In addition to his daily reading of the press, Daniel De Poli has compiled a list of words that he hunts down as a priority. We find there «big data » (say: big data), «joint-venture » (joint venture) or «blockchain » (block chain). Offenders expose themselves to receiving a message signed Daniel De Poli. And this hype, sometimes, manages to flourish. “When I started reporting joint venture, fifteen years ago, hardly anyone used joint venture, recalls this inexhaustible champion, who measures the impact of his messages to the editorial staff. Today, you will find more than a million results on a search engine. It’s a victory I’m proud of».

dominance and understanding

His method “can be useful”recognizes Armelle Domenach, president of the Association of French language proofreaders, who seeks to raise awareness among her colleagues about the issue of anglicisms. “Some don’t recognize them and don’t correct them, maybe because they don’t know English well, she raises. The problem is that some Anglicisms are so ingrained that it’s a bit crap to use French words instead that are sometimes hard to understand.».

“Learning English is a good thing, but English does not have to dominate other languages”, observes Daniel De Poli, who sent one of his children on a language trip to Ireland. He who speaks French, Italian, English, German, Spanish and studies Hebrew and Chinese, is enthusiastic about China’s ability to adapt foreign words, supporting ideograms: “instead of blockchainthe Chinese say Qukuailianliterally block chain. Chinese proves that we can describe modernity without using English”.He is sorry to see French President Emmanuel Macron and a group of French-speaking leaders meeting in Gabon for a “One Planet Summit”. “Where are we going if the French themselves abandon their language? How can we expect foreigners to learn French?

Faced with an International Organization of La Francophonie (OIF) that he considers absent subscribers, Daniel De Poli is delighted that the small Association Francophonie Avenir (Afrav), of which he is a member, manages to bend institutions. Based on the Toubon law of 1994, Afrav obtained at the end of 2022 that the Administrative Court order the Ministry of Health to rename its megafile “Health Data Hub”. The ministry has until April 20 to comply. But sometimes those close to him find that he exaggerates. “One day my son said to me: ‘Listen Dad: with leader, aren’t you going a bit far?” And yet the synonyms are not lacking: there is leader, leader, leader, leader…”

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