Movie Review – “Spider-Man: There’s No Way Home”: A trilogy in the fullest sense of the word

by time news

“Spider-Man: There is no way home” Is Spider-Man’s most intriguing and entertaining story to date. Although the polygamist is huge and twisted, the film takes into account the main line – the journey of Peter Parker

One of the most requested films of the year, “Spider-Man: There’s no way home“Is the first film in the Marvel cinematic universe to officially enter the multi-universe, or if you prefer in English: multi-version. End of “Spider-Man: Away from home”(2019) made Peter Parker a wanted man, his identity made public after his mystery indicted the superhero in the murder. Directed by John Watts And script by Chris McKenna and-Eric Somers, To-“Spider-Man: There’s no way home“There is great power and great responsibility at the same time to continue to develop Spider-Man’s personal story, while advancing the overall narrative of the Marvel universe, and it’s mostly successful. “Spider-Man: There’s no way home”Is Spider-Man’s most intriguing and entertaining story to date. Although the polygamist is huge and twisted, the film takes into account the main line – Peter Parker’s journey.

Peter Parker / Spider-Man (Tom Holland) Trying to live a normal life, but having a hard time being a normal boy now, after his dual identity was published. He is wanted for murder and must defend himself against the accusations – which thanks to Mysterio’s well-edited video, can be seen to be unreliable. Simply put, Peter’s life is turned upside down. The only way he thinks to fix the mess and get back to a normal routine is to use magic. To that end, Spider-Man criticizes Doctor Strange (Benedict Kemberbach), Who helps him with a spell that will erase Peter’s identity from world memory. Naturally, things do not go according to plan and the spell opens the door to the universe, which sees Spider-Man’s enemies in other locations – Doctor Octopus (Alfred Molina) M-“Spider-Man 2“, Electro (Jamie Foxx) M-“Amazing Spider-Man 2Green Goblin (Willem Defoe) M-“SpidermanAnd more – who unite to fight it.

Before “Spider-Man: There’s no way home“Everyone – from Tony Stark to Epic (John Fabro) Treat Peter as a teenager who needs support. In Mysterio’s case, the need to maneuver Peter seems natural – since she knows Peter as a slightly less intelligent person. However, in “Spider-Man: There’s no way home“Peter has a deeper sense of responsibility for his actions and is able to make wise decisions as an adult. It takes him out of his mentor’s shadow into the spotlight. He is less fickle and more an active partner in his own journey. The Marvel universe is finally taking Spider-Man more seriously and it’s a fresh breeze to watch Spider-Man as he tries to solve problems and clear up the mess he’s created. There’s a scene where Peter learns how to get out of a situation using geometry, which is a reminder of how smart he is, without relying on the gadgets and technology given to him in previous films. Thanks to the fact that Peter is finally taking matters into his own hands, “Spider-Man: There’s no way homeAble to rise higher than any previous Spider-Man movie in the Marvel universe. The film ponders what kind of hero Spider-Man is and who he aspires to be – is he someone who takes responsibility for his choices? Does he help people in need or does he leave them behind? These questions fit into the plot line, adding attraction to his journey as a hero trying to make his way. “Spider-Man: There’s no way home“Feels more like a movie”Spiderman“The original. It’s a bit corny and yet endearing, heartfelt and wonderfully enjoyable – and that’s exactly what it takes.

At the same time, what would have made the film stronger, was if Peter gets his own villain in this universe – instead of fighting only the villains of the past (as good as it would be to see them back on screen). The film lingers too long on establishing all the multipurpose characters, but once all the information and introductions have been deployed, the plot gets underway and doesn’t let up. All that said, the film’s heart is found in Peter of the Netherlands and the relationships he forged with Ned (Jacob in Talon), If. Jay. (Zendaya) And Aunt Mae (Marissa Toomey), And everyone has a lot to do. The idea of ​​the multiverse seems rather heavy at first, but “Spider-Man: There’s no way homeManeuvering in a surprising way – and everything works. There are some scenes devoted to the exposition, but it never surpasses the story or becomes nonsense. Perhaps what makes the film so enjoyable and fascinating is that there is a balance – the light tone gives way to heavier moments emotionally, but it always swings back without being jarring. Watts fills the film with many action sequences, with a particular scene offering stunning visual effects (by Chris Wiener), As well as exemplary choreography stunts of George Kotel and-Hugo Duran. “Spider-Man: There’s no way home“Goes for everything, but does not forget to stay planted in the personal story of the main character, and enriches the viewers’ hearts with issues around identity, power and action. Peter is finally growing up in a big way – and that’s what strengthens the film a lot.

What is certain, “Spider-Man: There’s no way home“It’s going to be a lot of fun for anyone who’s seen all of the previous Spider-Man movies. Viewers have flattened the trilogy “SpidermanOf Sam Raimi And movies “the amazing Spiderman“They will be extremely pleased, not only because of the reappearance of their villains, but because the emotional beats and depth in the film stem, among other things, from the villains’ background story. The connection and understanding of the plots of previous films is essential to understanding the depth of the current film. Knowing where the villains who were not previously in the Marvel universe come from also brings up a certain dynamic of the characters’ character and quite a bit of humor. “Spider-Man: There’s no way home“Ultimately delightful to watch, with spectacular action sequences, a lot of heart and a story of an established hero, paving the way for exciting things to come in the future.

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