“I support asking for improvements, but without playing with the patient”

by time news

Yaniuska had already been sedated and part of her hair had been shaved to remove a benign tumor when she was told the operation was cancelled. miguel villar

Yaniuska Hernández, a Cuban who lives in the Ourense council of Allariz, was already sedated and ready to go down to the operating room when they told her that her surgery was canceled for the third time.

15 abr 2023 . Updated at 8:20 p.m.

Yaniuska Hernández, 38, entered the hospital on Thursday Ourense University Hospital Complex (CHUO) to undergo a surgical intervention in which they would extract the tumor which is in the parotid, on the right side of the face. She was warned not to drink after midnight because she was going to be the first to come into operating room. But when she left the room the next day she went back to her house. «After shaving me, in the morning, they came to put the line on me and give me the medication so that I would be calmer to go down to surgery. After a while the doctor came and told me that he was sorry, but that the operation was suspended because there was no anesthetist. I, sedated as I was at that moment, laughed it off, “she recounts. But it was no joke and that first reaction has given way to anger. «It is the third time that they cancel my operation. First they set it for March 14, then they called to tell me that it was the 31st, then April 14 and now, I don’t know. They tell me that I may have to wait until the end of the doctors strike“, says. But, in addition to anger, Yaniuska is worried. “I am more and more anxious. They tell me that the tumor I have is not malignant but I think that it can change over time and that if something happens to me, my son is left alone. My husband passed away shortly after the child was born », she explains. Yaniuska and her husband arrived in Galicia from Cuba in 2009, but they had no family here. «Now I am alone and my son is five years old. If I need to be taken care of, like now to be able to enter for the operation, I have to use other people. They do it with delight, they always behaved very well with me, but it makes me angry to bother at all, “says this mother, who lives in the Ourense council of Allariz.

In his opinion, it is not acceptable that someone who knows that he is going to go on strike does not notify at least the day before to avoid useless trips to the hospital. «They do not work with bricks, but with people. It is understandable that they want to claim their rights, and I am the first to support asking for better conditions for their work, but without playing with it. patient“, Add. He assures that he understands that, in a situation like the current one, the activity “focuses on more serious patients, who have priority”, but he believes that a certain respect towards the sick is necessary. “You have to have a little empathy for others. There are many circumstances and many people who need to use other people to go to a medical appointment », he argues.

The doctors’ strike in Galicia is close to 20,000 canceled consultations and exceeds a thousand surgeries suspended

The voice

Yaniuska is concerned that it has been three years since she detected the lump. “At first they told me it was an inflamed ganglion,” he says. Last year, after noticing discomfort, they did tests and found the diagnosis. “They told me it’s a benign tumor, and it’s a relief, but I think that over time it can still change,” he reflects.

From the direction of sanitary area They reiterate their apologies both to this patient and to the rest of those affected – in Ourense a hundred surgeries have been suspended due to the strike – but they explain that the preparation of the patients follows a protocol that is often initiated by the night shift staff and in At that moment they cannot know if someone who has to get up in the morning will be on strike or not.

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