News | Where the Conurbano rules

by time news

2023-04-15 13:50:00

The macristas and, with nuances, other members of Juntos por el Cambio dream of a country that resembles the most opulent districts of the Federal Capital in which, to the indignation of Cristina and her people, even the ferns and agapanthus enjoy a level enviable life. The ideal Argentina of the Kirchnerists is very different. There are those who want it to look more like The slaughtera jurisdiction in which it has always been easy for them to reap tons of votes, than to the elusive Barrio Norte of Buenos Aires, populated as it is by conceited people who are so congenitally incapable of understanding the saving story that they often back right-wingers.

Thus, despite the disturbing message that the pollsters insist on sending them, the Kirchnerists have reasons to feel satisfied with what they have done in recent years, since there is no doubt that, thanks to their efforts, Matanzas Argentina has managed to politically overwhelm the rest of the country to turn it into a neighborhood of the Buenos Aires suburbs. It is there that the decisive political battles are being fought and, unless it is freed from the yoke thus assumed, Argentina will soon degenerate into a failed state dominated by drug traffickers and other criminals that is governed by grossly incompetent politicians who, with hardly any insolence, bearable, they put their own interests before those of the community.

It is no secret that, for Cristina and company, the fate of the Conurbano, especially the oversized municipality of The slaughter, consists of being an impregnable bulwark, the place to which they will retreat if the bulk of the national electorate makes the mistake of repudiating them. In the so-called redoubt, the leaders of The Campora They will occupy key positions that are adequately paid and will have the support of the army of militants that they have located in different departments of the State. such characters They are already organizing “the resistance” that the usurpers will have to face who, even if they manage to deactivate the many land mines they will find, will have to try to manage an economy that could disintegrate at any moment. Despite their regret, they will have no choice but to adjust, thereby giving the Kirchnerists an unbeatable pretext to launch a furious counter-offensive aimed at destroying the government they form.

The Conurbano is the heart of Argentina. More than ten thousand people live in it, that is, a quarter of the country’s population, most of them poor or indigent and, what is even worse, in many cases they lack the necessary attributes to make a positive contribution to an economy modern. Generation after generation have become accustomed to unemployment or underemployment, to surviving at the best of odd jobs and, lately, alms disguised as social plans.

Although politicians of all stripes agree that priority must be given to the education of such outcasts from the formal country, a significant proportion, and it seems to continue to increase, remain functionally illiterate. Is it that those who barely know how to decipher written messages feel deprived of a fundamental right, as the well-intentioned would like to think? There is no reason to believe it since, if so, they would try to emulate the poor of China who are willing to go to virtually any length to ensure that their children receive a proper education and treat those who excel in highly competitive exams as sports idols. It goes without saying that nothing like this happens in the most depressed parts of the suburbs. There may be mothers and, if found, fathers who try to stimulate their children in this way, but these will be exceptions.

Although there are some enclaves of the Conurbano that are relatively developed, others are so backward that they are unknown territory for all but a handful of intrepid investigators, since even the police do not dare to penetrate them. It was thanks to how difficult it is to find out what is happening in the deep suburbs that the authorities of La Matanza were able to manage to inflate the number of inhabitants in order to receive almost one hundred billion additional pesos as co-participation municipal as of 2012. Was it a scam or an understandable mistake? There is so much confusion that it will not be easy to reach a convincing conclusion.

What to do with the Conurbano is the great national problem. Leaving him to his fate is not a solution. Nor will it be to continue flooding it with money collected from the country’s productive minority; It could absorb everything available like a gigantic sponge without changing much, although, which would be good for certain Kirchner militants, it would end up impoverishing those constrained to deliver what the loudest activists are demanding. Perhaps it would be convenient to split it from the province and treat it as an emergency zone. Another strategy, which, from the point of view of the Kirchnerists, would have its logic, would consist of making official, so to speak, the “AMBA”, the Metropolitan Area of ​​Buenos Aires”, but for obvious reasons such a proposal horrifies those who carry the singing voice in the Federal Capital.

The Conurbano depends on the charity of others because, as things are, it is not in a condition to fend for itself. This is a painful reality that poses a major challenge to those determined to put an end to the very long process of decline that has brought the country to where it is, which in their opinion they could do by specifying those “structural reforms” which, in the opinion of virtually all respected economists, will be essential. However, if they reduce the enormous amount of money that the current government “invests” in the poorest districts, they would not only deal a brutal blow to millions of people, but also, with the vigorous help of the prophets of povertythey would unleash a social outbreak of surely disastrous consequences, but if they do not, it would be extremely difficult, perhaps impossible, to prevent the national economy from falling off the precipice towards which it is slipping.

what happened to Sergio Berni when he tried to ingratiate himself with a group of bus drivers distraught over the cold-blooded and unprovoked murder of a colleague in La Matanza, he served as a warning to the entire national political class about what could happen to its members if they take a false step. Although the profile of Berni is sui generis, a military doctor who loves to play the role of a macho vigilante who, like a mythological deity, descends from a helicopter to pacify the rioters, is far from being the only one whose easy promises no longer convince anyone. He was beaten so ferociously that he could have died because the protesting bus drivers understood that he was playing with them in the hope of getting some political gain, that he did not understand what had happened to them and was not interested in understanding it because, deep down, he despised them. .

Needless to say, such a feeling, which tends to spread, endangers the hegemony of the Kirchnerists in their own fiefdom. In an attempt to reverse what seems to be going on, Berni and the governor to whom he theoretically responds, Axel Kicillofthey couldn’t think of anything better than to imply that everything, starting with the murder, was the result of a vile conspiracy hatched by Patricia Bullrich that he would have ordered his assassins to infiltrate the bus union with the purpose of inflaming them. Of course, both the thinly veiled accusation formulated by Kicillof and the Hollywood-worthy operation that was mounted to arrest two people responsible for beating Berni were so ridiculous that they further discredited those in charge of the most populous, and most problematic, province of the country. Even Cristina was scared to see what two of her most faithful subordinates were doing.

In addition to showing symptoms of panic in the face of the gruesome episode starring Berni, Kicillof, Cristina’s guru when it comes to financial matters, finds himself haunted by ghosts from his own past. Two judges, one in the United States and the other from the United Kingdom, ruled against the national State for measures it took when he was Cristina’s Economy Minister, condemning the country to pay more than 10 billion dollars. To this amount, Alfonso Prat Gay adds others attributable to the principled malpractice of Kicillof, a character who, for allegedly ideological reasons, opposes legal certainty, to reach more or less 40 billion current dollars, which seems enough to you to report it criminally, although by now you will know that ineffectiveness is not usually considered a crime even when it has specific disastrous consequences. Thus, although it would be assumed that being forced to defend himself against those who accuse him of being the main culprit in the catastrophe that the country is experiencing will not help Kicillof to retain the votes he will need to continue governing the province, which the inhabitants of the almighty suburbs have become accustomed to sympathize with those responsible for keeping them in misery makes us suspect that the majority will ignore such details.

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