How to lower blood pressure quickly, naturally and easily

by time news

2023-04-16 07:00:00

Blood pressure is one of the health parameters that should be checked every once in a whileespecially after middle age. As summarized by the US National Library of Medicine, blood pressure is the force of the blood to push against the walls of the arteries.

High blood pressure, so-called hypertension, can cause serious health problems. It is a common condition that is clearly associated with the risk of several dangerous diseases such as a heart attack, stroke, heart failure or kidney failure.

High blood pressure therefore increases the risk of cardiovascular disease, which is the leading cause of death worldwide. To avoid this, we must control our blood pressure regularly and if it is high, take measures to “lower” it. It is a problem for many because high blood pressure It is the most common chronic disease: More than 20% of Spaniards suffer from it.

Hypertension is the most common chronic disease: more than 20% of Spaniards suffer from it

Broadly speaking, we can say that it will help us to achieve it maintain a healthy weight, follow a low-salt diet, reduce alcohol intake, exercise regularly, and take medications prescribed by the doctor if necessary. But let’s see it in detail. For example, these are the five measures which cites ClĂ­nica Universitaria de Navarra.

suitable weight

It is essential to keep blood pressure under control. Overweight people often have high blood pressure. The best measure of knowing if our weight is starting to be a problem is the waist/height index. To do this we divide the waist circumference by the height in cm. It is increased when it is greater than 0.50, in which case we have to lose weight.

walk briskly

For a minimum of 45 minutes, but… every day! I mean, you have to be consistent. It is also highly recommended to run, ride a bike, swim and even dance. In those cases, it can be worth about 30 minutes.

Cholesterol under control

LDL cholesterol should not exceed 115 mg./dl. If it is higher, a Mediterranean diet should be advised. And since we forget to mention it so much without following it, this diet low in saturated fats is summed up in abundant fruit, vegetables, fish and olive oil.

stock image of cheeses

Alcohol, little or none

we must not ingest more than 30 g./day. ethanol (not exceeding 300 ml. of wine, 720 ml. of beer or 60 ml. of whiskey). Men are generally advised not to drink more than two glasses of wine a day and women not more than one.

Be careful with the salt

If the tension has risen, from the outset, a strict diet without salt for two weeks. If we do not go down, you can continue with a low-salt diet (4-5 g./day). And who says salt, says sodium. You have to reduce your consumption, so it is recommended to look at food labels to rule out those that have a lot of sodium.

More than 20% of Spaniards suffer from hypertension, the most common chronic disease.
More than 20% of Spaniards suffer from hypertension.
Steve Buissinne/Pixabay

three more tips

Apart from these tips, a basic idea as far as food is concerned: let’s avoid processed foods. They are never a healthy option, but in this case, against high blood pressure, they are bad because they tend to be high in salt, fat, and cholesterol (the bad kind).

An unstable tension, with punctual peaks, can be more dangerous than controlled hypertension.

It’s obvious already, but no tobacco. Smoking is bad, always and for everything Our organism; Also for blood pressure. If we stop smoking our blood pressure will drop.

Stress is another enemy of the pressure in our arteries. In that sense, practice relaxation techniques can you help us.

#blood #pressure #quickly #naturally #easily

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